In-class Activities and Assessment for the Flipped Classroom

In a flipped classroom students engage with lectures or other materials outside of class to prepare for an active learning experience in the classroom. For a more detailed description of what a flipped classroom is and what in-class activities are possible see CTE Teaching Tips, “Course Design: Planning a Flipped Class” and “Online Activities and Assessment for the Flipped Classroom”.

After the preparation and design of activities for the in-class portion of your class, your primary role will be to monitor, guide, and support the learning process of your students. Students will have varied levels of understanding and comprehension after having completed the out-of-class work. After assessing their understanding in the online environment, you may approach the in-class activities in one of two ways: individual or group-based activities.

Individual activities

Individual activities can be most beneficial and relevant if your students have demonstrated difficulty with understanding the content or material introduced to them out of class. Individual exercises can be used in advance of group ones to help students navigate a “higher-risk” group activity and can be helpful for students who need more individual reflective time to learn.


Time on task: 5 to 10 minutes; Group size: 1 to 2

Word webs/concept maps

Time on task: 30 to 45 minutes; Group size: 1 to 4

Individual problem solving 

Time on task: 5 to 10 minutes; Group size: 1 to 4

Group activities

Group activities are often the goal of the in-class portion of the flipped classroom. Each student will bring their own individual understanding of the content to the lesson, and together, in small groups, they will be able to draw on each other’s knowledge and understanding of the material to forge new understandings and better recall the content.

Group activities for larger class sizes


Time on task: 5 to 15 minutes; Group size: 2

Affinity grouping

Time on task: 30 to 45 minutes; Group size: 3 to 5

Team matrix

Time on task: 10 to 20 minutes; Group size: 2

Think-aloud pair problem solving

Time on task: 30 to 45 minutes; Group size: 2

IF-AT cards

Time on task: 5 to 15 minutes; Group size: 3 to 5

Case studies

Time on task: 1 to 2 hours; Group size: 3 to 6

Group activities for smaller classes

Round robin

Time on task: 5 to 15 minutes; Group size: 4 to 6

Fishbowl discussion

Time on task: 15 to 20 minutes; Group size: 3 to 5 inside, remaining class outside of circle

Three-step interview

Time on task: 15 to 30 minutes; Group size: 2, then 4

Role play

Time on task: 15 to 45 minutes; Group size: 2 to 5

Reaction sheets

Time on task: 30 to 45 minutes; Group size: 4 to 6

Dyadic essays

Time on task: 30 to 45 minutes; Group size: 2

Critical debate

Time on task: 1 to 2 hours; Group size: 4 to 6, then 8 – 12

Group investigation

Time on task: 1 to 2 hours; Group size: 2 to 5


The activities in this Teaching Tip have been adapted from:

Barkley, E. F., Cross, K. P., & Major, C.H. (2005). Collaborative Learning Techniques. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


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