Creating Course Outlines (Syllabus)

Photo by Lorenzo from Pexels 

Course outlines, or syllabi, are an integral part of course design. They generally summarize our course design plans and serve as a “contract” with our students regarding the course described. But how do you create a useful outline? Some outlines are barely a page long while others are tomes. Research (Becker & Calhoon, 1999) in the use of course outlines by students indicates that the most commonly-used parts of an outline are those regarding assessment: due dates, reading material covered by each exam or test, grading procedures and policies, and types of assessment. Is this all you should include or is there more? Creating a 3-5 page outline is appropriate for most courses. 

Suggestions for content

The following are some suggestions regarding the content for such an outline:

Remember, too, that while you may have reviewed your outline with your students on the first day, they might not refer back to it throughout the term. Be sure to reiterate critical information such as deadlines and course policies that you wish to highlight.

Working with Canvas, the Learning Management System of the Vrije Universiteit, upload your course outline as the first module of your course.


Becker, A.H. & Calhoon, S.K. (1999) “What introductory psychology students attend to on a course syllabus.” Teaching of Psychology, 26, 1, 6-11) 
