
Didactic guidelines

Think ahead for specific lesson plans to make optimal use of the rooms and their equipment. Have a look at  small group tasks for group work and relate it to different types of small groups

It is important to ensure that group work has a positive effect on learning. If taks are improperly introduced or supervised, it can also have a negative effect. In particular, attention must be given to the fact that all students must contribute. Explicate for example different group roles that students could fulfill or establish group ground rules.

For practical matters, please contact AVC: 020 5985777 or 

Ideas for use

Below we list some tasks in which  the technology can be incorporated purposefully.

Make decisions together

Set up tasks for groups to make decisions. Display and work on decision trees or valorisation tables.

Team Based Learning

Use the rooms to put the Teams of team based learning on a table and use the display to let the group work on the problems

Solve (statistical or mathematical) problems, share solutions and strategies

The teacher distributes data and analysis questions for statistical problems. Students work with the data.

Simulations, insert competition elements. Who has the quick fix of a problem? BLOK. Does everyone agree it's a good solution? Moving on to the next problem

The teacher could incorporate competition element: which grous comes up with the most effective solution method.

Develop infographics of an article

The teacher distributes articles that students must read perusal. The group of students then need to develop an infographic using collaboration tools. The groups work directly on their common screen using their own laptops with.

Share historical art sources

Search the internet for historical art sources for interpretations purposes.

Search geographical information systems data

Search area's with similar of different geographical properties.

Case discussion

Distribute different cases on different tables; Students can choose which case appeals to them and join that team. Cases are discussed amongst each other, while displaying for example a Concept Map or Document on the group screen. At the end of the session the teacher invites group member to present in plenary for all groups.

Develop test questions

Have students make their own test questions for sub-topics (and take each other's tests).

Online games

Develop online games, for example by using Mentimeter

Support creativity sessions

Make use of the screen to share ideas in multiple formats. For example using Padlet, a wiki, concept diagram software. For some exampels, see this website.