King List - Minangkabau

King List of the Minangkabau in Pagaruyung

The Raja-raja of Pagaruyung - A main reference document is "Istana Pagaruyung (Royal Lineage) Records" - originally compiled by Sutan Taufiq Thaib from the Pagaruyung palace and digitised by Tunku Nadzaruddin Tuanku Ja'afar (into MS Excel format). The same information exists in several genealogical and biographical websites but this compilation is probably the most complete, accurate and concise. This King List of the Minangkabau was created as a supporting reference document for the main page article. I am sure an official King List exists but I cannot find it on the internet. As such, I have to create this one.

Name of Ruler : Malay & Minangkabau rulers have names which are composed of many parts. Typically a name would be made up of:-

▪ Pre-Title - Before the title, there is usually a courtesy appelation; example "Duli Yang Maha Mulia" (DYMM) is equivalent to "His Majesty".

▪ Title - Yang diPertuan Besar -or- Sultan 

▪ Regnal Name - Upon ascension to a throne, is it common for a ruler to take on a regnal name. Having a Regnal name is supposed to help the ruler differentiate between his common life and his royal duties. A ruler may also have 2 regnal names; one in Malay & another in Sanskrit.

▪ Birth Name - The name given at birth. This may be replaced with a nickname especially if the ruler had a popular reputation.

Notes & Other Names : abbreviations used... b = birth (year) / t = ascended throne (year) / i = installation / d = death (year). Other Names include any previous Titles held.

Abbreviations used for Titles:c = Che (f = female)p = Puan (f)P = Putri / Puti (f)R = Raja / RajomR = Maharaja / MaharajodR = di-RajamRdR = Maharajadiraja / Maharajadhirajot = Tuan / Tuwan (m =male)T = TunkuTa = Tuanku / TuwankuB = Baginda / BagindoS = Sultan / SulthanTp = Tunku Puan (f)Yt = Yam TuanYtR = Yam Tuan RajaPr = Putri Reno (f)YdP = Yang di-PertuantG = Tuan Gadis / Tuwan Gadih (f)tGr = Tuan Gadis Renod = Datok / DatuekD = Dewi (f) Da = Dewa (m) / DewangSy = Syah/ Shah


Name of Ruler

Notes & Other Names
Name of Father & Mother


Ta R Kalokamo

(d Sinaro) (Suryanarayana Malayapura)


Ta B Ratu

(Kamraten An Maharaja Trilokyaraja Maulibusanawarmadewa)
Kalokamo & P Sang Seto


Ta R Tianso

 Ratu & P


(Ta R Tigolareh) (Kamraten An mR Tribuanaraja Mauliwarmadewa)
Tianso & P


t. 1347 / d. 1375 / Da PALOKAMO R INDO DEOWANO (Srimat Sri Udayadityawarman) (Pratapaprakrama Rajendra Maulimaliwarmadewa) (Sri Maharajadhiraja Kenakamedinidra) (Ta B Sari Maharajo Dirajo)
T Bujanggo (Adwayawarman) R & P Reno Marak Dara


t. 1375 / d. 1417 / Da BARAMAK SanggoWano (R Mauliwarmadewa)
Adityawarman & P Reno Jalito


Ta mR Sati (I) (mRdR Widjayawarman)

t. 1417 / d. 1440 / Da PANDAN PutoWano 
R di-Anjuang & D Reno SanggoWani


Da DUATO DeoWano

perhaps as Prince Regent
R di-Anjuang & D Reno SanggoWani


P Panjang Rambuik (II) (f)

Widjayawarman & P Bongsu


Da Pandan Salasieh Banang RaiWano

perhaps as Prince Regent
Hyang Indojati (Ta Bujanggo Salamat Panjang Gombak) & P Panjang Rambuik (II)


Da RamoWano

t Bujang-I / perhaps as Prince Regent
Hyang Indojati (Ta Bujanggo Salamat Panjang Gombak) & Upiek Atani (Kambang Bandohari)


Ta mR Sati (II)

Da Sari DeoWano


Ta R Tuo

Da Sari MegoWano
Sati II & D RanggoWani (P Reno Rani D)


YdP Batu Hitam

(R Darek) Da PATUALO SanggoWano RajoWano (t Bujang-III) (d Bandaro Putieh-VI) (t Titah-VI) & P Reno MAHLIGAI CIMPAGO D (Kamunbo)


Ta YdP S Alif (I)

d. 1580 / YtR Garo / YtR BAKILAP Alam (Rajo Bagewang-III) (d Bandaro Putieh-VII) (t Titah-VII)
Ta R di-BUO (III) & P Reno Suto D


YdP S Siput Aladin

Syaiful Aladin (Yt Pasambahan)
Alif (I) & P Reno Pomaisuri (t Gadih-IV)


YdP S Ahmad Sy

t. 1668/  d.1670 / (Yt R Barandangan) R Alam
Siput Aladin & P Reno Kumalo Jamilah (from Perak)


YdP Sari mR dR(I)

Yt R Mangun
Siput Aladin & P Reno Kumalo Jamilah (from Perak)


YdP S Alif (II)

Yt Kalif
AhmadSyah & P R Baruaci (t Gadih-VI)


YdP R Bagagar-1 Sy Alam

 Yt Jambang (Pertuan Lembing Alam)
Alif (II) & t Gadih Saruaso (III)


YdP S Bagagar-2 Alam Sy

d. 1730 
Yt RPangkat (II) & P Reno Jati


YdP S Alam Muning Sy (I)

(Sari) Yt Bawang
Yt R Gamuyang  (d Bandaro Putieh-XII, t Titah-XII) & P Reno Suto (t Gadih IX)


YdP Malenggang Alam

Yt R Naro-I
Bagaggar AlamSyah & P Reno dari Rantau


YdP S Alam Muning Sy (II)

d.1780 / Yt Abd Fatah / S Abdul Jalil-I
MuningSyah (I) & P Reno Intan dari Rantau


YdP S Alam Muning Sy (III)

d. 1789 / Yt Basusu Ampek
Yt Alam Parhimpunan & P Palinggam


YdP S Alam Muning Sy (IV)

d. 1803 / S Hasanuddin (Yt R Naro-II)
Yt Alam Parhimpunan & P Palinggam


b. 1789 / Dutch concession 1821 / d.1849 / Yt Hitam / Sutan Tangkal Syariful Alam Bagagar Sy 
Alam MuningSyah (II) & P Reno Janji  (t Gadih-XIII)

Beyond the Istana Pagaruyung Records, there are many sources of additional information. It appears that this collection of information is missing one King between #22 Muning-4 and #23 Bagagar-3. The missing king is Sultan Arifin MuningSyah [1] [2] [3] born 1745, ruled 1780 to 1821, died Aug 1825. 

But Istana Records show the ruler 1780 - 1789 as Muning Syah III; and then ruler 1789 - 1803 as Muning Syah IV. By this time, the Padri War had started. Was there a Muning Syah V? He is described as Raja Alam and not Yang diPertuan.

Other info sources: During the 1815 Lintau massacre of the royal family, his 2 sons were killed and he escaped with his grandson to Lubuk Jambi. In 1824 he contacted Lt.Colonel Raaff to return him to Tanah Datar where Bagagar-3 had been appointed as regent. Arifin MuningSyah died in 1825.

- - - 

For Bagagar-3, the information is: born 1789, died 12 Feb 1849. Bagagar-3 was Regent of Tanah Datar from 1824. 

Also Bagagar-3 signed the treaty with the Dutch which is recognition of Bagagar-3's authority.

- - -

Dobbin p.151 : "It was decided that the leading signatory of the 1821 treaty, the nephew of the last Raja Alam of Minangkabau, Sultan Alam Bagagar Syah, who was a young man of thirty-four in 1823, should be appointed Regent of Tanah Datar. In September 1822 Raja Muning Syah, the Raja Alam, had sent word to Lieutenant-Colonel Raaff of his whereabouts, but when he returned to Tanah Datar in 1824 he was content to see his nephew {as} Regent, preferring retirement on a Dutch pension. He died in August 1825 at the age of about eighty."

King List of Negeri Sembilan - House of Pagaruyung


Name of Ruler

Notes & Other Names
Name of Father & Mother


YdP R Melewar

t.1775, d.1795 / R Mangiang / R Mahmud
R Masa Bumi & P Reno Duato


YdP R Hitam

t.1795 d.1808 / Yt Samik-III
Yt R Balambang I (Mangkudum) & tG Mudo


Yt R Lenggang

t.1808 d.1824 / Yt R Ali / Lenggang Laut
YdP Malenggang Alam & P Reno Indun Sari


Yt Raden

t.1832 d.1861 / Yt Radin
Yt R Lenggang & T p Ngah


Yt Imam

t.1861 d.1869
Yt R Lenggang & T p Ngah


Ta p Intan (Regent)



Yt Antah

b.1812 t.1875 d.1888 
Yt Raden & T p Intan


Ta Muhammad Shah

b.25/04/1865 t.1888 i.7/05/1898 d.1/08/1933 
Yt Antah & c p Halimah


Ta Abdul Rahman

b.24/08/1895 t.1933 i.25/04/1934 d.1/04/1960
Ta Muhammad Shah & T p Chik


Ta Munawir

b.22/03/1922 t.1960 i.17/04/1961 d.14/04/1967
Ta Abdul Rahman & Ta Maharun


Ta Ja'afar

b.19/07/1922 t.1967 i.18/04/1968 d.27/12/2008
Ta Abdul Rahman & c Maimunah (Dulcie Campbell)


Ta Muhriz

b.14/01/1948 t.2008 i.26/10/2009
Ta Munawir & Ta Durah

List of Rulers : Minangkabau in Pagaruyung - concise version

Below is the Pagaruyung King List as above but in shorted form - Minangkabau Rulers in order of ascendency to the throne.

Minangkabau Rulers in Pagaruyung (incl. Yr. of death) 1 Adityawarman  d.1375 2 Ananggawarman  d.1417 3 Widjayawarman  d.1440 4 Duato DeoWano 5 Panjang Rambuik-II 6 Pandan RaiWano 7 RamoWano 8 Sati-II 9 Tuo10 Batu Hitam11 Alif-I  d.158012 Siput Aladin13 Ahmad Sy  d.167014 Sari15 Alif-II16 Bagagar-117 Bagagar-2  d.173018 Muning-1 19 Malenggang20 Muning-2  d.178021 Muning-3  d.178922 Muning-4  d.180323 Bagagar-3  d.1849
Yr of Death137514171440-------1580-1670---1730--1780178918031849

Timeline of Kings - Minangkabau

Below we are creating an estimated time-line using period-blocks.

Column 1: Minangkabau rulers arranged by generation (which is how the Istana Records are arranged).

Column 2: The years of their death (It's the only date-data available). From Adityawarman's death, there are 16 generations spanning 474 years. This averages each generation to be about 29½ years (which is very reasonable). 

Column 3: From this we can assign blocks of 30 years to create an estimated time-line. For rulers which we do not have information on, this should be a reasonable approximation.

Minangkabau Rulers - grouped by Generation1 Adityawarman2 Ananggawarman 3 Widjayawarman / 4 Duato DeoWano 5 Panjang Rambuik-II 6 Pandan RaiWano / 7 RamoWano 8 Sati II 9 Tuo10 Batu Hitam11 Alif-I12 Siput Aladin13 Ahmad / 14 Sari15 Alif-II16 Bagagar-117 Bagagar-218 Muning-1 / 19 Malenggang20 Muning-2 / 21 Muning-3 / 22 Muning-423 Bagagar-3
Yr of Death137514171440-----1580-1670--1730-1780-18031849
Period Blocks1340-13701370-14001400-14301430-14601460-14901490-15201520-15501550-15801580-16101610-16401640-16701670-17001700-17301733-17601760-17901790-18201820-1850

From the above information, I have created 3 versions of the Timeline of Kings:-

(i) simple version, 

(ii) also with known Year of Death, and 

(iii) also with a comparative Timeline of Events.

Estimated Timeline of Kings

1340-1370 Adityawarman1370-1400 Ananggawarman1400-1430 Widjayawarman1430-1460 Panjang Rambuik-21460-1490 RaiWano/ RamoWano1490-1520 Sati-21520-1550 Tuo1550-1580 Batu Hitam1580-1610 Alif-11610-1640 Siput Aladin1640-1670 Ahmad/ Sari1670-1700 Alif-21700-1730 Bagagar-11733-1760 Bagagar-21760-1790 Muning-11790-1820 Muning-2/ 3/ 41820-1850 Bagagar-3

Est. Timeline of Kings

including known Year of Death

1340-1370 Adityawarman d.13751370-1400 Ananggawarman d.14171400-1430 Widjayawarman d.14401430-1460 Panjang Rambuik-2 1460-1490 RaiWano/ RamoWano1490-1520 Sati-21520-1550 Tuo1550-1580 Batu Hitam1580-1610 Alif-1 d.15801610-1640 Siput Aladin1640-1670 Ahmad d.1670/ Sari1670-1700 Alif-21700-1730 Bagagar-11733-1760 Bagagar-2 d.17301760-1790 Muning-11790-1820 Muning-2 d.1780/ M-3 1789/ M-4 18031820-1850 Bagagar-3 d.1849

Estimated Timeline of Kings

including Timeline of Events

1340-1370 Adityawarman      |1370-1400 Ananggawarman     | Bandaro Putieh1400-1430 Widjayawarman     |1430-1460 Panjang Rambuik-2 | Raja diBuo1460-1490 RaiWano/ RamoWano | T.Bujang1490-1520 Sati-2            | T.Gadih1520-1550 Tuo               |1550-1580 Batu Hitam        |1580-1610 Alif-1            | Jawi1610-1640 Siput Aladin      | Indomo, Mangkudum, Sumpur1640-1670 Ahmad/ Sari       | Shah1670-1700 Alif-2            | early Islam1700-1730 Bagagar-1         | Islam1733-1760 Bagagar-2         | Melewar1760-1790 Muning-1          | Hitam1790-1820 Muning-2/ 3/ 4    | Lenggang1820-1850 Bagagar-3         |

Timeline of Events

1340-1370  1370-1400  Bandaro Putieh1400-1430  1430-1460  Raja diBuo1460-1490  T.Bujang1490-1520  T.Gadih1520-1550  1550-1580  1580-1610  Jawi1610-1640  Indomo, Mangkudum, Sumpur1640-1670  Shah1670-1700  early Islam1700-1730  Islam1733-1760  Melewar1760-1790  Hitam1790-1820  Lenggang1820-1850  
Other ReferencesPerjuangan Sultan Alam Bagagar Syah dalam melawan Penjajah Belanda di Minangkabau pada Abad ke-19 - Mhd. Nur, Puti Reno Raudha Thaib, Alfian Jamrah, Fitra Arda, Nurmatias Undri 2016 [A]

Lineage of Dharmasraya & Srivijaya in Malayapura

Dharmasraya lineage (pre-Minangkabau) to Adityawarman

Legend : Ta = Tuwanku, R = Rajo, P = Puti, d = DatuekTa Kalokamo -+- P Sang Seto Lenggowani           /    Ta Ratu -+- P dari Tigalareh           /  Ta Tianso -+- P dari TigaLareh           /Ta Tiang Panjang -+- P Indojati                /        P Dara Jingga -+- Adawayavarman                       |                   Adityavarman

Srivijaya lineage (pre-Minangkabau) to P Reno Jalito

P Jatojati-1 --+-- Guo Duato (Dingalau)            /  P Jatojati-2 --+-- Hyang Indojati (Dingalau)            /P Sari Mayang --+-- d Saribijayo               /        +-----+------+d Sibijayo       P Sariputi --+-- d Sari Maharajo                           /                     P Indo          Cati Bilang     R Natan ---+------ Jalito -----+--- Pandai                  |                    \             |          +-----------+-----------+Ketumangguangan    Parpatih       P Reno      P Reno                  Nan Sabatang    Jalito      Sudah

Adityavarman & the unification of Dharmasraya & Srivijaya

 Dharmasraya       Majapahit           Srivijaya       |               |                   |P Dara Jingga -+- Adawayavarman            |                       |                   |                  Adityavarman --+-- P Reno Jalito

Lineage from Adityavarman to Sati-2

Lineage from Adityavarman to Sati-2

Legend : R = Rajo, P = Puti, d = Datuek, t = Tuwan, D = Dewi, Da = Dewang  Adityavarman --+-- P Reno Jalito                |       +--------+-------------+ Ananggawarman         D Sanggowani        |                      |       |                 +----+--------+    P Bongsu -+- Wijayawarman       Da Duato              |                     DeoWano           +--+---------------+   P Panjang Rambuik II   Da Bano RajaWano               |                  |     Da Pandan           P Reno   Banang RaiWano -+---- Kamuniang Mego                   |   Da Sari DeoWano Sati II

However, P Panjang Rambuik II was married to Hyang Indojati (of Sumaniek). He had a child, RamoWano (Bujang-1) by another wife.

P Panjang        Hyang Indojati     Upiek     Da BanoRambuik II --+--  (Sumaniek)  --+-- Atani    RajaWano             |                  |                |       Da Pandan             RamoWano         P Reno    Banang RaiWano          (Bujang-1) -+- Marak Jalito

RamoWano was married to P Reno Marak Jalito (and their children became rulers in Sekelawi).

P Reno Marak Jalito and P Reno Kamuniang Mego are sisters; their father being Dewang Bano RajoWano (ruler of Sekelawi; as well as son of Widjayawarman).

RamoWano also had other wives including P Reno (Marak Rindang) RanggoDewi.

Lineage of Bandaro and Raja Adat

Special Note - In the Minangkabau matrilineal society, it is quite common to have a situation as follows:-

King-1 has a son and daughter: His son becomes King-2 while his daughter becomes Matriarch. 

Matriarch has a son and daughter: Her son becomes King-3 while her daughter becomes Matriarch.

King-2 has a son and daughter: His son is sent to rule another part of the empire while his daughter is married to another part of the empire (hopefully to become Matriarch there).

From the Langgam Nan Tujuah, we can summarise the following:- 

- Title - - - - - - - Territory - Raja Alam             PagarRuyungRaja Adat             BuoTuan Bandaro Putieh   Sungai TarabTuan Mangkudum        SumaniakTuan Indomo           Saruaso

We can ignore the other "religious" titles of Raja Ibadat, Tuan Kadli etc as they were introduced later. However, we will be tracking the title "Tuwan Gadih" [female] (short-title for "Tuwan Gadih Pagaruyung").

The position of "Raja Alam" is all powerful and know this to be within the lineage from Adityavarman.

However, all the other titles are kept within the Srivijaya lineage. The Istana Pagaruyung Records for the Srivijaya lineage is as listed below:-

Legend : P = Puti, d = Datuek, t = Tuwan                     P Indo          Cati Bilang     R Natan ---+------ Jalito -----+--- Pandai                  |                    \             |          +-----------+-----------+Ketumangguangan    Parpatih       P Reno      P Reno                  Nan Sabatang    Jalito      Sudah

The matrilineal Adat systems are attributed to Katumangguangan and Parpatih Nan Sabatang; who are the children of Puti Indo Jalito. Puti Reno Jalito marries Adityawarman which begins the Minangkabau dynasty. 

Her sister, Puti Reno Sudah, begins the lineage of the Tuan Bandaro Putieh and Raja Adat (Raja diBuo).

P Reno Sudah      |      +-----------------+------------------+P Lenggo Tuwo       Bandaro-1    P Reno LenggoBongsu      |                                    |      +-----------------+                  +--------------+P Reno Indo Jani    Bandaro-2    P Reno Indo Pito     Bandaro-3      |                                    |              |      |                                    |              |   R diBuo-1                     P Reno Indo Mego-2   Bandaro-4      |                                    +--------+-----+      |                                             |           RamoWano   R diBuo-2 -----+----- P Reno (Marak Rindang) RanggoDewi -+- (Bujang-1)                  |                                         |                  |                      +------------------+           P Reno Maharani       Da RanggoWano           D RanggoWani                   Gadih-1 ---+-- Bandaro-5 & Bujang-2

Lineage Crossover - from Sati-2

If you think you are seeing the same names again and again, you are not mistaken. Some of the names have to be read carefully because they are different: But some names come up again and again.

RamoWano (Bujang-1) appears in several charts and is consolidated here:-

     Da Bano     Hyang Indojati               RajaWano      (Sumaniek)         Bandaro-4         |            |                  |     P Reno        RamoWano           P Reno (MarakMarak Jalito --+--(Bujang-1) --+-- Rindang) RanggoDewi                               |                       +-------+-------+                 D RanggoWani     Da RanggoWano

D RanggoWani marries Sati-2.

Da RanggoWano marries Gadih-1.

Timeline of Kings (in time blocks)

1340-70 Adityawarman70-1400 Ananggawarman1400-30 Widjayawarman1430-60 Panjang Rambuik-21460-90 RaiWano/ RamoWano90-1520 Sati-21520-50 Tuo1550-80 Batu Hitam1580-10 Alif-1

Lineage of Tuo

AdityawarmanAnanggawarmanWidjayawarmanPanjang Rambuik-2RaiWanoSati-2TuoRamoWano is not from this line.

After Sati-2, the Istana Pagaruyung Records show a crossover of marriages into the Srivijaya line; intermarrying with the Bandaro & Rajo diBuo (Adat); which is also a continuation from RamoWano's line.

                  +-------+--------+Deowano           D         Da RanggoWano          P Reno MaharaniSati-II --+-- RanggoWani   Bandaro-5 & Bujang-2 --+-- Gadih-1          |                                       |    +-----+-----+                       +---------+---+MegoWano    P Mahligai           SanggoWano        P Reno Nalo      MegoWano  Tuo        Cimpago  --+-- Bandaro-6 & Bujang-3   Nali Gadih-2 --+-- Tuo                        |                                         |            +-----------+-----+                +------------+-----+   Da Banang SutuWano        P Reno             R      P Reno Jalito    Banang Sutuwano       Batu Hitam          Suto Dewi ---+--- diBuo-3     Gadih-3 ---+--- Batu Hitam                                        |                           |                                     R Alif-1 -----+----- P Reno Pomaisuri Gadih-4   

Note that Tuo & Batu Hitam are shown twice (at both ends). This is because 2 siblings marrying 2 siblings can't be conveniently displayed in this method.

Making sense of Alif-1

Istana Pagaruyung Records shows the lineage from Alif-1 as follows:-

                      R Alif-1 --+-- Gadih-4                                   |    +-----------+----------------+------------+-----------+Gamuyang-1    Kuaso-1    P Reno Rampiang    Siput    P Reno Sadi          DBandaro-8    Mangkudum       Gadih-5        Aladin   Gadih Saruaso-1 -+- Indomo

Unresolved Problems with Alif-1:

The spread of royal-titles after Alif-1 certainly looks like a "division of political power".

The use of titles before Alif-1.

  • R Alam/ Maharajo title can be treated as beginning with Adityavarman.
  • T Bandaro title existed around Ananggawarman era.
  • R diBuo (ie R Adat) title existed around Panjang Rambuik II era.
  • T Bujang title exists beginning with RamoWano.
  • T Gadih (Pagaruyung) title exists around Sati II era.
-Rank-    . -Istana Title-       . -Year Existing- Bandaro   . Bandaro Putieh       . c.1360Raja Adat . Rajo di-Buo          . c.1425 -na-     . Tuwan Bujang         . c.1480 -na-     . Tuwan Gadih [female] . c.1500

The use of titles after Alif-1.

  • R Alam title continues as Sultan.
  • T Bandaro title continues.
  • R diBuo (ie R Adat) title disappears.
  • T Bujang title disappears.
  • T Gadih (Pagaruyung) title is syncretised to R Ibadat (of Sumpur Kudus/ Lintau) 
  • T Mangkudum (of Sumaniek) appears.
  • T Gadih Saruaso appears but is syncretised to a new title T Indomo (of Saruaso).
-Rank-    . -Istana Title-       . -Year Existing- Indomo    . Datuek Indomo        . after 1580Mangkudum . Datuek Mangkudum     . after 1580R Ibadat  . Rajo Sumpur          . after 1580

We need to examine the entire lineage up to Alif-1 to grasp the situation.

 Here I squeeze in the Adityavarman lineage in one chart.

Adityavarman --+-- Pr Jalito                |       +--------+-------------+ Ananggawarman         D Sanggowani        |                      |       |              +-------+-------------+       P          PutuWano               Da Duato    Bongsu --+-- Wijayawarman            DeoWano             |        +---------+---+Da Bano       P Panjang       Hyang Indojati      UpiekRajaWano      Rambuik II -+---- (Sumaniek) ----+- Atani   |                     /                      \ +-+--------+           /                        \ Pr        Pr       Da Pandan   Pr Marak       Da Bano       PrMarak    Kamuniang   Banang     Rindang        RamoWano     MarakJalito     Mego  -+- RaiWano   RanggoDewi -+-  Bujang-1 -+- Jalito                  |                        |             |           Da Sari DeoWano         +-------+---+         +-----------+               Sati II ----+--- RanggoWani  RanggoWano   BansoWani  BansoWano                           |                  +--------+-------+            MegoWano Tuo    P Mahligai Cimpago

Note that Pr Marak Jalito (daughter of RajaWano of Sekelawi) appears twice (at both ends). This is because 2 half-brothers married to 2 sisters can't be conveniently displayed in this method.

Examining the chart, we can see the descendancy from Adityavarman to Ananggawarman to Widjayawarman to DeoWano to P Panjang Rambuik-2 to RaiWano to Sati-2 to Tuo. It seems like RamoWano is an outsider but he marrys RanggoDewi from the Srivijaya side.

Here I squeeze in the Srivijaya side in one chart. 

Pr Sudah     |     +---------------------+-------------------+P Lenggo Tuwo        Pr LenggoBongsu   Bandaro-1     +---------+         |     |      Bandaro-2    +-------------------+Pr Indo Jani         Pr Indo Pito      Bandaro-3     |                   |                   | R diBuo-1           Pr Indo Mego-2    Bandaro-4   Hyang Indojati     |                   +-+-----------------+     (Sumaniek)     |                    /                       /          \     |           Pr Marak Rindang         RamoWano           RaiWano R diBuo-2 ----+--- RanggoDewi -----+---- Bujang-1             |              /                     |                          |             /               +------+-------------+            |      Pr Maharani         Da RanggoWano           D          DeoWano         Gadih-1 --+-- Bandaro-5 & Bujang-2   RanggoWani -+- Sati-II                    \                                     |                 +---+--------------+                  +--+--------+ MegoWano    Pr Nalo Nali       SanggoWano         P Mahligai    MegoWano    Tuo --+-- Gadih-2     Bandaro-6 & Bujang-3 -+- Cimpago         Tuo            |                                     |          +-------+-----------+            +----+-------+Batu         Pr Jalito        R           Pr          Da SutuWano Hitam  ---+--- Gadih-3       diBuo-3 -+- Suto Dewi    Batu Hitam              |                           |     Pr Pomaisuri Gadih-4 ---+--- R Alif-1

Note that Tuo & Batu Hitam are shown twice (at both ends). This is because 2 siblings marrying 2 siblings can't be conveniently displayed in this method.

Here we can see the effect of RamoWano's marriage to RanggoDewi (from the Srivijaya side). Their children will marry well (i) his daughter, RanggoWani marries Sati-2, and (ii) his son, RanggoWano marries Gadih-1 (a half-sister). 

The effect of 2 siblings {Tuo & Cimpago} marrying 2 siblings {SanggoWano & Gadih-2} and they are first cousins, which consolidates the titles/ ranks to a smaller set of people.

Continuing Adityavarman's descendancy, from Tuo to Batu Hitam is connected in 2 ways (i) Batu Hitam is Tuo's sister's son, and (ii) Batu Hitam is Tuo's daughter's husband.

Their children continue this effect of 2 siblings {Batu Hitam & Suto Dewi} marrying 2 siblings {diBuo-3 & Gadih-3} and they are first cousins (in both directions), which narrows down the entire lineage down to 2 people. 

...and like a bad incestuous DNA accident waiting to happen, the last 2 descendants {Alif-1 & Gadih-4} get married to each other. 

It looks like Marsden was correct and the lineage ended after the death of Alif-1 in 1580.

What happened next would have been a damage control exercise by the Istana (palace). From the way the Istana Pagaruyung Records are presented, I shall assume the Limbago (Council) acted in the following manner:-

So who are these people? The focus of the matrilineal system is that the royal children of the female line become the Minangkabau rulers. You may remember that most of the royal children of the male line are sent to rule elsewhere to expand the empire. As such, there would have been many eligible contenders to supplement the Minangkabau royal court. Examples of this royal diasporic rule:-

The title of Rajo Bagewang appears in the Istana Pagaruyung Records as follows:-

Bagewang means "armed with sword"