Year 4 RE Spring First Half Term

RE - 11th February - The Transfiguration

Read the different versions of the transfiguration from the different Gospels, (Matthew 17, Mark 9 and Luke 9) then watch the video below. Write your own version as a diary entry from the point of view of one of the people who was there. Include your thoughts and feelings about what happened. What does God say about his Son at the Transfiguration? Include it in your writing.

What questions might you have asked Jesus, Moses and Elijah if you had been there?

Challenge 2

In the story of the Transfiguration and the Baptism of Jesus he is revealed as the Beloved Son. Why do you think his relationship with God was so important to him? What do you think God might say about us?

Challenge 3

Think about all the different things you have learnt about Jesus from his Presentation, Baptism and Transfiguration. Imagine you were about to meet somebody who had never heard of Jesus before. Create a leaflet about him from these three events in his life.

Monday 8th February - Assembly - Here is a video to watch before Mrs Hamilton's Gospel Assembly

RE Lesson - Monday 1st February

Here is the video of Jesus' Baptism which you can watch to help you with your recount. Remember that you can write as though you are John, including your thoughts and feelings about what has happened.

Bible Ref: Matthew 3: 13-17

RE Lesson - Thursday 28th January

Here is the video of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple which you can watch to help you with your diary entry. Remember that you need to include your thoughts and feelings about what has happened. Also remember diaries are written in first person and past tense.

RE Lesson - Monday 18th January

Click on the picture link below to visit the page for Christmas Lesson 5 - Messengers of God in the World Today - where you will find your challenges and some links to sites to help you with them.

RE Lesson - Thursday 14th January

Click on the picture link below to visit the page for Christmas Lesson 4 - The Angels - where you can watch the videos of the Christmas story and think about the role the angels had to play in the different parts of it.

As we start this new year, there are many things that are strange and different. Here is a prayer to ask God to be with us to help us all through this time and keep us safe until we can all be together again in school.

Why not write your own prayer for the new year? In school we are going to write a prayer for the new year to put on our RE display. You can send your prayers in via Teams if you'd like to share them!

We have had some beautiful new year prayers handed in. Here are a few I would like to share.

Dear God,

Please help us to get through all the difficult times ahead.

Help all the children in schools to stay healthy.

Help people less fortunate than me.

Help all the hospitals to cope in these difficult times.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen

By Ruby

Dear Lord,

Please keep everyone safe and well.

Please get us through these bad times so we can be with our families and friends again and have fun again.

Please look after my grandad because he is poorly.


By Riley

Very well done to both Riley and Ruby for those thoughtful prayers!

Here is Luke's lovely prayer:


In RE we have thought about how Jesus taught us how to pray and why prayer is an important part of our lives and Christians.

Here is a video about prayer and why it is important to Christians.