Click on the picture to visit the Reading page

English Lessons 1st February onwards

For the next two weeks we will be concentrating on Poetry. Click the picture below to visit the Poetry Page.

This week we are writing news reports. Here is a newspaper Report feature checklist. What have you included so far? What do you still need to include?

Monday 25th January

Lindisfarne information to take notes from

English Tuesday 19th January

Watch the video below about Direct Speech. Remember the Espresso Log on Details:

Username: student27974

Password: golden

After you have watched the video, why not try the quiz? Remember you may need your Espresso Log On Details again!

Thursday 14th January - Facts and Opinions

Click on the link below to find out about facts and opinions on BBC Bitesize.

Thursday 14th January - Facts and Opinions

Click on the link below to have a go at the sorting facts and opinions activity on Espresso.

Username: student27974

Password: golden

Tuesday 12th January - Visit the page below to find out more about features of newspapers in the video we shared in our lesson, and test your knowledge with the activity and quiz.

Wednesday 6th January - Visit the page below to watch the video and try some activities about possessive apostrophes.

Writing Ideas

On this website there is a different picture everyday to use to write a story. You can also look at previous pictures if you want to choose a different one. What kind of story do you want to write? A traditional tale, adventure, mystery, fantasy?

Reading Ideas Here you can download free stories to read.

Reading - If you are looking for your next book to read, have a look at the 100 recommended books for year 4. Have you read any of these before?

Draw a character from a description. Then try writing a description for someone else to draw.

Then try the Huckleberry Finn character reading comprehension.

Week Beginning 29.6.20


Have a look at this reading comprehension pack. Just do the pages that interest you, there is n need to do it all (unless you wish to)

Stage 4 Reading Packs - Stage 4 Pack a.pdf

Week Beginning 15.6.20

Wing it!

Watch the video and then try one or more of the activities below.

  • Write the dialogue between the aliens.

  • Write a description of his machine, of his workshop or one of the aliens.

  • Write a non-chronological report about famous inventions or a biography of a famous inventor.

  • Rewrite the story as a recount from Sherman's point of view or from the alien's point of view.

  • Write a newspaper story about the great 'flying machine' and Sherman, inspired by the image at the end of the animation.

Week Beginning 8.6.20

The House on Maple Street.

The house on Maple Street had a perfect lift off!

· Can you create a story about this amazing house?

· Who lives there?

· Where is it going?

· Will it be back?

· Has this happened before?

Week Beginning 1.6.20

The Mystery Staircase

Can you create a story using this image? It could be about you or a character you invent.

Where did you or your character come across this staircase?

Are you alone, or with another person / pet?

Do you follow the steps?

Where does it lead?

Is it a safe or scary place?

Who is there?

Can you get back home easily or is there something stopping you?

How does the story end? Happy, sad, cliff hanger, ...

Week Beginning 18.5.20

Watch the video and then choose one or more of the following ideas to try out.

  • ​Describe the shoemaker and his shop.

  • Describe the rival shoe maker using specific language to make him sound sly and cunning.

  • Create some dialogue between the two shoe makers.

  • Write some dialogue between the shoemaker and his shoes.

  • Create a new plan to get rid of the shoemaker.

  • Explanations or instructions about how to make magic shoes.

Week Beginning 4.5.20

Watch the video and then choose one or more of the following ideas to try out.

  • Write the back story for Ulric the Blacksmith,

  • Write the story in the 1st person.

  • Write in the style of a fairy tale.

  • Steal the tiny knight and take him on adventures of his own.

  • Create a coat of arms for the knight.

  • Create 'Tiny Knight' puppets and create stories, video them if you like.