MFL Lesson -2nd March - Family

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page by clicking on the picture. Watch the videos about the different family members and listen carefully to the French words. You can watch them more than once if you like. When you have watched the videos, click on the links tab on the Family Photos Video - Things to do - Family Portrait where you will find an activity to draw the different members of Camille's family. You can also have a go at any of the other activities on the other videos if you wish!

MFL Lesson -23rd February- Greetings

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page by clicking on the picture. Watch the three videos and listen carefully to the French greetings. You can watch them more than once if you like. When you have watched the video, click on the links tab on any of the three activities to find the Things to do - Missing Letters where you will find an activity sheet to complete.

MFL Lesson -9th February- Numbers to 10

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page by clicking on the picture. Watch the video and listen carefully to the French numbers. You can watch it more than once if you like. When you have watched the video, click on the links tab to the Things to do - How many? where you will find an activity sheet. Work out the sums and write the answer in French.

MFL Lesson -2nd February- Instructions in the Classroom

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page by clicking on the picture. Watch the video and listen carefully to the instructions given on the video. How many do you understand? You can watch it more than once if you like. When you have watched the video, click on the links tab to the Talking Dictionary. Finally write the sentences out in your book and translate them into English to show you understand what they mean. Use the script tab to help you with the French spellings. When you have finished, why not try the Super Challenge below to test what you have remembered about last week's 'In the pencil case' lesson?

MFL Lesson -2 February- Super Challenge - what can you remember?

You can click on this picture link to revise the pencil case work we did last week. How many can you remember?

MFL Lesson 26th January - In the Pencil Case

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page below by clicking on the picture. Watch the video about things that you might find in a pencil case, then click on the links tab to find the interactive activity. Finally draw a picture of the things you might find in your pencil case and label each item in French.

Username: student 27974

Password: golden

MFL Lesson 26th January - In the Pencil Case - Interactive Activity

Here is a direct link to the interactive activity. Complete this before drawing a picture of the things you might find in your pencil case and labelling each item in French.

Username: student 27974

Password: golden

MFL Lesson 19th January - Days of the Week

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page below by clicking on the picture. Watch the video about Days of the Week - we've already looked at this, so again, this is revision of what we have done! Use the words on the script to draw a picture of something you might usually do on each day of the week and label each day in French.

Username: student 27974

Password: golden

MFL Lesson 12th January - The Weather

Your Task: Visit the Espresso page below by clicking on the picture. Watch the video about different kinds of weather - we've already looked at this, so this is revision of what we have done! Use the words on the script to draw pictures of and label each type of weather in French.

Username: student 27974

Password: golden