Following from our Geography topic where we looked at Rivers and Mountains, for Design and Technology we are going to think about different kinds of bridges, what makes bridges strong and design and make our own bridges.

Lesson 1 - Testing Bridge Design

For Lesson 2 Click Here

Lesson 1 - Different Kinds of Bridges

For our first lesson I would like to to visit the Espresso pages below and watch the video to find out about the different types of bridges. Then complete the Different Types of Bridges Activity.

Here is the video to watch. You will need the username and Password for Espresso to access it. After you have watched the video, think about which kind of bridge you liked best. Why was this your favourite? Draw your favourite type of bridge and think about the different shapes you use to draw it.

Username: student 27974

Password: golden

After watching the video, try this Bridges Quiz. Remember, you might need to put in the Espresso Username and Password again!

Have a think about all the different kinds of bridges you have seen. What do they all have that is the same? What is different about them? What kinds of features do they have that help them to be strong structures?