
Athletes can compete on full court or half court basketball teams. The season runs from April through June with area and state competitions. Details here.

Bocce is an individual sport. The season runs from mid-June through August with area and state competition. Details here.

Bowling is an individual sport. The season runs from mid-September through November with a state tournament. Details here.

Golf is a unified (with a partner) sport. The season runs from late-June through August with a state tournament. Details here.

Poly Hockey is a team sport played indoors on a basketball court. The season runs from late-December thru early March with area and state tournaments. Details are here.

Softball is a team sport played from late June through late August with area and state tournaments. Details are here.

Snowshoeing is a new individual sport. The season is held in January and February with a state tournament.Details are here.

Swimmers can compete without or with flotation support. The season runs from early April through June with area and state tournaments. Details are here

New Out & About Team (Walk/Roll)

Join the Blazing Stars to walk or roll for fun, fitness and fresh air! We will meet for 2 hours every other Saturday in Spring through Fall. from 10 am - 12 noon for accessible walks of up to 3 miles in and near our local area. Details are available here.

Unified Flag Football

Unified Flag Football practice runs from late August through mid-October. Details and registration are availalbe here.

Other Sports

Special Olympic teams offer sports based on athlete interest, facilities and volunteers available to coach and support the team. For sports not offered by the Blazing Stars, area teams are generally open to all athletes if space is available. In turn, the Blazing Stars welcomes athletes from other teams. A complete listing of sports and activiites is available at Special Olympics Minnesota.