Primary Sources

This section is still under construction. This section will provide a links and lists of published primary sources related to the Wiregrass Region.

Pre-1870 Deed Records:

The abstracting of these records is part of a project to create a highly detailed map of the Wiregrass before the Civil War to about 1870. In addition, abstracting these deeds will help make the deeds related to enslaved people available.


A Brief Explanation of the Coding Used for Deed Abstracting:

The deed record abstracting spreadsheets use abbreviations to code the original survey county for each deed. There will be some deeds for areas that use the metes and bounds system instead of the land district and land lot system. Land in those areas was granted through the headright system. When those deeds appear in the abstraction of deed records, the county code will represent the county where the headright was originally granted. The spot normally reserved for land district numbers will have an HR (for headright). The spot for the land lot number will have the name of the person who was issued the land, the year surveyed/or the year granted, and the acreage of the original grant.

The county codes for land in the land lot and headright counties are:

Colonial grants are treated similarly to headright grants. The spot normally reserved for land district numbers will have a CG (for Colonial Grant).  The spot for the land lot number will have the name, the year surveyed, and the acreage of the original grant.  Georgia had a parish system in the colonial period instead of a county system. Grants will give the parish where the land was at the time of the survey. The codes for the parishes are:
CP - Christ Church Parish

Other County Records: