Oral History and Photography Project

This section is still under construction. It will be the primary focus of the Wiregrass Region Digital History Project.

Icons have been placed on the map below. Click on them to discover content. Most icons will have photographs that can be viewed by clicking on them. Some icons will have links to articles on our site or other sites. In some cases the icons will have links to our oral history interviews and documentaries located at our YouTube channel.

The icons are color-coded.

  • Black: Sites that have been demolished since 1990.
  • Red: Sites that have been abandoned with no plan for preservation.
  • Yellow: At-risk historic sites.
  • Green: Sites that are historic, but are still being actively used or at otherwise at low-risk.

There is also a separate map for documenting structures based upon when they were built in addition to structures demolished before 1990. Please check both of them out.