Theory of Writing

Reflection: Theory of Writing

The Theory of Writing is quite different to what I have done thus far with my work. I am not writing for an audience who is focused on getting into crypto, I am not writing for an audience who wants to expand their knowledge on the subject. I am writing about me and my personal experiences that I had while doing this assignment. To give any passerby some insight into how all of this was cooked up and dished out in the melting pot of my brain. As such, the main reason for this I supposed would be to entertain. Not to give the reader subject knowledge, but about the person behind it who they could perhaps be sourcing themselves one day.

Composing this assignment was drastically different from what I have done previously. I can actually speak in a first person tone for an assignment which gives the assignment much more personality. I thought that walking the reader through the process I did throughout the semester would be the best way to explain my theory of writing in a much more interesting way that what other people may be doing. Doing so, it sets me apart from others and could potentially make it more appealing to view.

This style of writing I did absolutely helped in the creation of the essay. I could speak freely about the experiences that i’ve had. I am more effectively able to capture the reader’s attention at the beginning, if they are looking through a lot of these, and show them something different. Kind of how you want to be different, in a good way, for a job interview to set yourself apart. While this may not be an interview setting, it is absolutely one that is democratic. And the voting process is the amount of time that viewers spend reading and interacting with my work.