
My solution is... for people to know that they have an option to use cryptocurrency and what exactly that entails. The main thing I will be focusing on is the actual causes of the problem. The affects of it are so far reaching but there are fewer problems that can really nail it down. Of course, some causes cannot be solved, so I will also talk about how to treat some of the symptoms as well, or how this can go around some of those problems. What I want to do is give people the knowledge to choose. They can either stay with a banking system that has been ingrained into them and their ancestors lifetimes, or they can try something new as technology is progressing. If we give people the opportunity to use both, and they try both, they will develop their preference if this is something they can see themselves using. When you ask most people what bitcoin is, they will just say that it's digital/virtual money. They cant really tell you much more than that, because that's all that the news calls it. Most people also have little knowledge of underlying blockchain technology, and how this can benefit them as a whole. Some people are also gullible, and have stuck with their security that they feel with the current system and they feel better with that one. That's completely fine, I just want to get them to understand that the system is flawed. Both systems are flawed in their own ways. I want to give people a chance to choose what is right for them, they just need to know what they are choosing

Citing the survey: ENGL 1001 UCBA. (2018). What do you think about Cryptocurrency. [In class survey]