Annotated Bibliography

Reflection: Annotated Bibliography

I think that the previous essay was just the backbone for what went into this assignment. It provided a lot of the foundation for the topics that I needed to research, and gives me a pretty clear guideline in the ways that I go about doing that. It made me search for sources that went the little bit extra in most cases to appear more credible to the reader. Plus, they were mostly simplistic in design, with easy to consume graphics and text that is well broken up.

A source that I found but decided not to use would be an article titled, “Price Analysis, December 14: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, IOTA, Litecoin, Dash.” I just think that this article is too much speculation for the type of reporting that I am talking about. It would likely reduce my credibility as an author were I to include this article in my report. Not that the article isn’t credible in itself, but just because of the content that the article contains.

I think that preparing this Annotated Bib. really sets me up for an easy writing session on my research essay. I already got most of the things down that I wanted to discuss, and a lot of those things I can branch out and expand upon should the content be interesting, or need more of an explanation. The only thing missing is the transitions that tie it all together and make it a comprehensive report that is easy to digest while being extremely informative at the same time.

I definitely think that finding the sources beforehand has sort of changed the language of my essay that I was going to write about. It changed it from being something that really speaks to those who only know what’s going on in the crypto space; to more of an informational essay designed to show the reader what this is and how it affects them. In doing this, I want my reader to see both sides of the aisle and ultimately choose which is best for them. I believe myself that crypto is the way to go, but if they come to the conclusion with my research that it might be too risky or too complicated for them, then at least they now have an understanding of what is going on.

Upadhyay, R. (2017, December 15). Price Analysis, December 14: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, IOTA, Litecoin, Dash. Retrieved January 31, 2018, from