
Cryptocurrency: The Way of the Future

Positives, Challenges, Interesting, Questions for the future

Some positives I am finding with this format is that there isn't really a lot of technical data that needs to be represented here, and that most of the content is just a cut down version of the research report, Some challenges were really finding the right visuals to help back up what I am saying. Some interesting things I have found while I was doing this is that it's actually a lot easier than I thought, I got the core idea down in just a few minutes and all that is left for me to do is polish it up a little bit and write/perform the script to go with it. Some questions that I have is exactly how should I site my images via APA format. And what if the images are common or unowned and therefore cannot be sourced.

I need to complete journal 4, 5

Topic and your position on the topic (informal survey)

1. What is it?

2. How does cryptocurrency compare to the currency we use today?

3. Whats the difference between this and cash?

4. How does this effect the everyday person if ti does at all?

5. Is cryptocurrency beneficial to you? Why is this topic important

6. Why do we need this?

Condensed version:

  • What is it and why should we be using it?
  • Whats the difference between crypto and cash?
  • What is your personal investment on the matter?
  • Why is this an important thing to do?

Who is your audience and why? My audience is people who are wanting to learn more about cryptocurrency and find out how it can affect their lives. This is to give people the information to understand why there are different and what the specific benefits that they can achieve are from using either both systems, or cryptocurrency in it’s entirety.

Which genre is most appropriate for your audience? I believe that a narrated powerpoint or animation would be the best genre to present this information. This is because I can fit a lot of information into a shorter amount of time while still getting my point across.

What is it you want your audience to know or do after reading your genre? After viewing the video, I want my audience to at least have a basic understanding of why people are starting to get into this and maybe get into it themselves. One thing that I would like them to do is at least begin learning about it themselves and doing their own research. I believe that if people are presented with the materials and a push in the right direction, then it’s much more effective for them to figure it out on their own rather than to be told.

Why is it important for them to know it? It's important for the people to know it because it's like getting in on the ground floor of something big, Crypto has the potential to completely overtake the money supply one day. But while that may be a distant future, or not a future at all, it’s here to stay for the time being, and it’s growing by the day.

What information do you need to gather to produce the new genre? Some information that I would need is different ways that people can get into it, they might have heard about it before, but have no idea which ones are reputable and which ones are shady. Also that push in the right direction would be to inform people of additional resources or where they can go to reliably get information in order to further expand their knowledge.

How will you know if you have achieved your purpose with your audience? I will know if I have achieved my purpose if I can hold a basic conversation with someone about it, and they can explain it to someone else if need be. Also, another goal of mine is to have people understand what this thing is that they may have been hearing about recently.

Identify two sources from your research paper that will help you to explain your topic to your readers. Two sources from my paper would be one of the ones by Rosic and the one by Dale. These sources help explain what cryptocurrency is in fairly simple terms, while providing good examples for it. Also, with Dale’s he goes in to talk more about the financial side of things, something I am sure most of the people hearing this will already have heard much about in the media.

Identify two additional sources that will be used in this project. Two additional sources that talk about different exchanges that people can get involved into this, and also what they can expect to get out of it when they have done it. These sources would be Coinbase and Trezor wallet. Coinbase being an exchange, and Trezor wallet being a reliable and secure wallet to store popular cryptocurrencies in without fear of being hacked into since it’s completely offline.