Research Report

The audience for my paper is more pegged towards the common person who is looking on learning more or getting into this emerging technology. What this audience did for my writing is that it made me write a lot simpler terms for a majority of the essay in order to let more people understand what I am talking about better.

The process of incorporating sources into my writing was actually one that was fairly simple and straightforward to do. I looked to my source in order to get a handle on what the next thing I should be writing about is if I lost my train of thought, then I took the quote and wrote based off of that. There was one source that I paraphrased, but I quoted the rest because that gave my paper a better sense of credibility than it would if I had just paraphrased the whole thing.

The connection was one that is actually seamless in most cases, what the source would be talking about, I would expand upon in the following sentences or the ones prior in order to help give a more all around approach to why that source is relevant to my writing.

What this writing helped to explain to me was that the news outlets are starting to shift from their negative only campaigns about Crypto, to more optimistic approaches about it, while still being negative about the Crypto market. In fact, when I last researched this in depth when I was first getting into it, everyone you could find was negative about it. I actually had a fairly hard time finding a negative source this time around.

Some of the benefits of using the Rogerian argument is that it displays the information in a better to read format than it would, have you just been going off of nothing. It also helps to organize the thoughts into some easy to digest bits. Some challenges of using it though for me at least, was usually the introduction. Once I could get past that, everything else was fairly easy to get into