Genre Recasting

There were some difficulties with communicating to the intended audience of people that don’t really know much about it but are looking to learn more about cryptocurrencies. Some of the barriers that I encountered included taking a lot of assumptions of where it came to my audience. For the most part, I assumed that the audience may have heard about it, but they don’t really know what it is or what it does, or why it’s used for that matter. Another roadblock that I encountered was that the genre that I used perhaps wasen’t the best as maybe an animation with LOTS of moving parts would have been better to capture the audiences attention if they were finding the genre that I did a little bit boring.

Creating this video differed from creating the essay quite a bit. For one thing, I barely had any words on my presentation slides, most of the communication was done either through the images, or through my narration. When I was writing the script, I tried to think about speaking it later, so I tried to visualize myself speaking the words when I was writing it. After I had written the script, I read it aloud a handful of times and made adjustments to the script as needed to constitute a final product. Then I recorded the audio file in sections in Audacity, and then consolidated them and used Open Broadcasting Software with Audacity playing back the audio to record the Powerpoint slide changes to make a final youtube video. I then uploaded it to youtube, and added a description to make the final product!

I chose to do a narrarated powerpoint because it’s a very easy way to explain simple things in a compact and concise manner. Since my audience deals with a lot of people who may not really know the concept of it, they will be greeted by myself talking about a lot of the different things that apply to them.