Why join Friends of Watson's Malawi Partnership?

Our partners could achieve so much more if they could rely on a secure source of funding.

We want to give them that assurance so that they can make meaningful plans for the future. But we need your help.

Here are some ideas on how a small regular donation from you could help make all the difference >>

To date, much of our funding is raised by the students travelling to Malawi each year. This allows us to provide tactical support for the organisations we meet during our two-week expedition, such as funding healthcare equipment and school materials. 

Now that we have such an excellent network of partnerships across Lilongwe, Blantyre, Salima and Mangochi, there are a number of more ambitious, longer-term programmes we would like to support. These include:

We've tried to give you an idea of what your money can fund in the boxes below - but as you can imagine, funding is fluid, so these numbers are just indicative!

£3 per month 

Funds the protection of 200 trees each year through Zomba TREEZ and MCT.

£5 per month 

Funds a year's school fees with food for one child at Thom's Classroom.

£15 per month 

Supports a feeding station at Nomala Village for more than 50 children.

One-off gift

Contributes to a new borehole for Open Arms to eliminate costly water bills.

As a token of our appreciation, friends of the Watson's Malawi Partnership group can expect to receive: