Every year, boys and girls from S5 and S6 join staff for a two-week expedition to the ‘warm heart of Africa’ to witness the impact of the Watson's Malawi Partnership programme and identify new opportunities to work together. 

We return home more thoughtful about the implications of good health & well-being, education and training, access to sport and culture and the need for environmental responsibility globally.

The school trip is the focal point for all our work on the WMP programme and provides a wonderful opportunity to share experiences and learn about each other’s culture

During the two weeks away, our students participate in workshops with fellow students, visit hospitals, feeding stations and foster centres run by Open Arms and help out at local primary schools on the southern tip of Lake Malawi. 

We also find time for some safari adventure at Liwonde National Park, hill walking in Zomba and Mulanje and a little sport with the football and netball teams we support.