Secondary education developed late in Malawi, primarily down to insufficient effort during the colonial era. Now there are only 1,411 secondary schools compared with 6,065 primary schools and these are all fee-paying. As a result, only a quarter of Malawi's youth attend secondary school and the labour market is woefully under-skilled. 

Keeping girls in school

Trinitas, founder of Tina Pads, shows us how her pads are made and how they are making a difference to girls at secondary school.

Malawi Children's Village

MCV in Mangochi supports orphans from birth to adulthood, providing them with shelter, food, healthcare, education and vocational training to lead independent healthy lives. 

During our last visit, we joined in their class studying Ben Okri poetry.

St Andrews School

Thanks to an excellent relationship with St Andrews Secondary School, we are able to offer students like Heidi the opportunity for some work experience teaching at the school.