Take two minutes to watch our award-winning video to see how we spend our time with the Watson's Malawi Partnership.

The Watson's Malawi Partnership is a registered charity that seeks to build relations between the George Watson’s Community and people of Malawi to support and learn from one another in mutual solidarity.

In keeping with the ethos of ‘dignified partnerships’ put forward by the Scotland Malawi Partnership, our programme focuses on four areas where we can provide long-lasting, meaningful support to partners who work so hard to relieve and prevent the symptoms of poverty and social injustice amongst young people in Malawi: education, health and well-being, sports and culture and the environment.

The highlight of our programme is the annual school trip to Malawi. This gives our students the opportunity to meet the people we have been working with all year, provide help on the ground and see the results of our hard work first-hand. 

Our programme would not be possible without the tireless commitment of our supporters in Edinburgh and Malawi who share our aspirations, the students and staff in both countries who support our many and varied activities and our friends in the community who have donated their time and materials to this great cause.

While the Watson's Malawi Partnership is an important element of George Watson's College's international programme, it is run through an independent steering group comprising volunteers from the community along with members of our staff. 

Any funds raised by the Watson's Malawi Partnership to support its activities in Malawi are accounted for separately within the school’s wider budget.

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