Adopt a Rain Garden

Looking to adopt a rain garden?

Have you participated in a Master Rain Gardener Course? Are you interested in becoming more involved with rain garden maintenance?

Help provide seasonal maintenance to select rain gardens and bioretention practices across the Cleveland Metroparks!

Contact us with your interest at

Getting Started

Rain Garden Needs

Rain gardens and bioretention control stormwater runoff and filter pollutants, which flow into our watershed from impermeable surfaces like roads and parking lots. Seasonal maintenance is required to ensure the functionality and appearance of these green infrastructure sites. 

General Tasks Include:

Locations Include:

Rain Garden Work Sessions

In addition to attending a rain garden course, participating in a rain garden work session would be the best opportunity to learn about the functions and upkeep involved with maintaining a rain garden or bioretention practice. View our Events page to see upcoming work sessions where you can get hands-on experience with necessary tasks.

Get Tips

Join this Facebook group to get more tips from NEO Master Rain Gardeners-

Volunteer Materials & Resources 

Report Hours

Monthly hours are due by the last Monday of every month. Contact us at to add the project assignment to your Volgistics profile. Please look for assignment '(IP:R) Independent Restoration' when entering your hours on a time sheet. 

Volgistics link:

WVP rain garden maintenance work sessions from 2019. Sites include: Wildwood Park, North Chagrin Nature Center, Parma Community rain gardens, and Edgewater Park