Join WVP

How to Get Started

To get started on your Watershed Volunteer Program journey, fill out the Cleveland Metroparks Volunteer Application. During your interview express interest in WVP and we will work to get you onboarded. Not sure yet? Attend one of our public events to see if WVP is a good fit for you.

Ways to Engage


Learning events are a primary event type where we focus on broadening our knowledge of watershed health and science. 


Monitoring events are a primary event type where we make observations and collect data that helps prioritize future management decisions.  


 Restoration events are a primary event type where we restore and care for a natural site or a green infrastructure practice. 


 Outreach events are a primary event type where we inform the public about WVP and watershed health. 

WVP Certification

One unique opportunity with WVP is that we offer a Watershed Steward Certification to help take your interest in watershed health and preservation to the next level. Certification is for registered volunteers who participate in a total of 10 hours of primary events, with at least one event in each of the following categories:

Certification presentations take place every few months at the Monday MeetUps to recognize your hard work.

Share Your #NEOWaterSteward Experience

Share your WVP experience with an event photo or reflection on social media including the hashtag #NEOWaterSteward. By using this hashtag, you can spread the watershed stewardship message to your social networks and create a greater downstream impact of your WVP participation. See what other stewards have to say by searching #NEOWaterSteward in your favorite social media platform.