VR in Practice

Unit 1 - Introduction to Virtual Reality

1.3 VR in Practice

Now that you have a basic understanding of the different types of reality, we will look at how immersive VR is being applied in Social Work and the related health professions.

We will start with three videos that describe several different ways that schools are integrating VR into their Social Work curriculum.

After that we will look at a quick video synopsis of research articles and news items that talk about how VR is being used in practice. This covers a wide variety of fields but all of them are related to work that social workers do.

As you watch these video pieces think about how this ties into the practice or teaching of Social Work. How could VR be used in your courses? Would you use it to train students on specific skills, would you use it to provide instruction on topics within your course, would you integrate a simulation that would advance public out-reach for a cause that you are interested in supporting?

Using Immersive VR to Integrate Trauma Informed Principles into Human Service Agency Settings

Run time - 23:23

This video describes the creation of a Virtual Reality Learning Environment (VRLE) that allows students to explore how trauma informed principles can be integrated into the physical setting of human service agencies.

This video also covers many considerations that you need to think about when integrating VR into your courses. It provides a good overview of aligning learning objectives with the VR experience. Start to consider how this will inform your use of VR, we will explore these considerations in more detail in Unit 3 - Educational Applications.

Virtual Reality Training for NYU Social Work Students

Run time - 1:33

Virtual Reality in Alzheimer's Education

Run time - 1:01

VR in Practice

Run time - 2:46

References for the VR in Practice Video

The previous video summarized how VR is being used in practice. Below is the list of references for the applications that were mentioned in the video if you would like to find out more about any of them.

Social workers are using VR to experience the lives of children in care


Teaching Group Dynamics Using Virtual Reality


Virtual reality helping pediatric patients in San Francisco


Virtual reality as a treatment for ADHD?


How families are giving a fantastic trip to loved ones in hospice


Kothgassner, O. D., Goreis, A., Kafka, J. X., Van Eickels, R. L., Plener, P. L., & Felnhofer, A. (2019). Virtual reality exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a meta-analysis. European journal of psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1654782.

Keshner E. A. (2004). Virtual reality and physical rehabilitation: a new toy or a new research and rehabilitation tool?. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation , 1 (1), 8. https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-0003-1-8

Feng, H., Li, C., Liu, J., Wang, L., Ma, J., Li, G., Gan, L., Shang, X., & Wu, Z. (2019). Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Versus Conventional Physical Therapy for Improving Balance and Gait in Parkinson's Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research , 25 , 4186–4192.