Robert E. Colt
Robert E. Colt
Democratic State Committee - 33 years dedicated service; Co-Chair of By-Laws Committee and service on Executive Committee for 21 years. Also serving on the Rules, Charter, Youth Services, Scholarship and Action Agenda Committees
Chair, Winchester Democratic Town Committee
President, Massachusetts Electoral College
Chair, Medford Democratic Ward Committees
Elected Delegate, various Democratic National Conventions
Delegate, Democratic State Conventions for 39 years
Producer and Host, "The Bob Colt Show" - a Democratic issues television show
Winchester Historical Society, President of Board of Directors
Co-author and political history lecturer
Justice of the Peace, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Winchester Town Meeting Elected Member
Leadership in 15 local, state and national community service and peace programs
Massachusetts Democratic Coordinated Campaign Staffs
Special Assistant to the Attorney General
Coordinator of Community Education, Middlesex District Attorney's Office
President, Colt Communications- Political Consultant
Involvement in 100+ Democratic election campaigns, field, fundraising, leadership and a true passion for elections.
Graduate of Wachusett Regional High School, Boston University (BA Government) and Northeastern University (M. ED Educational Administration)
Proud parents of 3 great daughters, graduates of the Winchester Public Schools, Boston College, Tufts University and their grad schools