dave judelson
Dave Judelson
Please list your Community Activities:
- Town Meeting Member since 2001
- Was on Town Energy Management Committee from inception for approx... 9 years.
- Member of Sustainable Winchester Environmental Group
- Got the WinPower Community Aggregation program passed through Town Meeting, this program has saved residents tens of thousands of dollars while also keeping electric costs more stable over time and supporting renewable energy generation in New England.
Questions to address in your candidate statement
What Winchester issues do you think are most important?
- Meeting Town’s Climate Goals and preparing for resiliency and mitigation for climate change.
- Supporting more affordable housing for both families and seniors in town
- Supporting the school system and the teachers
- Traffic issues and supporting local businesses.
Of those important issues, which one do you feel most passionate about, and what is your position on that issue?
- I believe meeting the town’s climate goals and planning for resiliency will prepare Winchester for continuing climate change issues and save the town literally and financially over time.
What does Winchester do well and what might be improved?
- Winchester is a beautiful, welcoming town with a great school system. I think we can continue to improve the town’s communications with its residents. We should continue to work on traffic issues with a focus not just on vehicles but also making Winchester more bike and pedestrian friendly.
The Town Meeting Communications Study Committee has recommended that a written communications plan be prepared and a town communications manager be appointed by FY2025 (https://www.winchester.us/DocumentCenter/View/9219/Communications-Study-Commiteee_Final-Report_Recommendations). Do you support both recommendations, even if they would involve adding a new full-time position (salary and benefits) to the town budget? If not, what alternative ideas do you suggest?
YES, I do support this and as the country has become more divided, clear and transparent communications is the best way to have the entire town’s citizens understand what is going on in Town and where it is heading. Conspiracies and misinformation flourish when there is a lack of clear and factual information.