Smart Echo 


The primary aim of this course project entails the development of an embedded system to process fundamental voice commands locally without reliance on the internet, thereby enabling the control of smart home devices via Bluetooth connectivity. The proposed system features a central controller tasked with overseeing various home appliances, including power outlets, temperature sensors, lighting systems, security apparatus, and emergency systems, all of which can be seamlessly operated through voice commands. Since the internet and cloud services are not required for an offline system, it can perform its essential functions while ensuring protection against cyber-attacks, providing privacy, and quicker responses. 

Given the system’s offline operational mode, adopting Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology instead of the high peak current consumption associated with traditional Wi-Fi-based systems represents an energy-efficient choice.

Product Features

Block Diagram

Software Flow Diagram

Software Flow diagram for Central Node

Software Flow diagram for Edge/Daughter Nodes



Actuation Node Power Budget

Total Current required in each state

Required mAh for Actuation

Power and Energy Calculation

Average Actuation Current

Battery Selection

You can find more details about the project by looking at my detailed report attached below. I am attaching a video link for your reference.