Developed Embedded System using 8051


As a part of the course work for the subject Embedded System Design. I Built an 8051-development board utilizing an AT89C51RC2 chip with a 32KB NVSRAM to increase the storage. Designed oscillator, reset, and power conditioning circuits to decrease voltage from 9V to 5V. Interfaced AT89C51RC2 with RS232 using MAX232 IC and charge pump circuitry to talk to the controller through a USB port. Developed drivers to interface EEPROM using I2C bit banging and integrated an SPI-based DAC module to demonstrate its advantages. Also implemented memory mapping and UART communication using interrupts and timers. 

Developed PCB Board

Front side of PCB Board

Back side of PCB Board

Labs Performed in this Course

The coursework for the subject involved a series of four progressively challenging labs focused on the development of an Embedded system using the AT89C51RC2 controller. Each lab was meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of various embedded system concepts, while also enhancing hardware skills and debugging capabilities. 

 These labs served as invaluable learning experiences, allowing me to gain hands-on knowledge in designing, implementing, and troubleshooting Embedded systems. I successfully completed each lab, and I have attached the corresponding lab reports below for your reference.

 These practical exercises not only expanded my technical expertise but also reinforced my ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. The acquired skills in hardware development, debugging, and system integration will undoubtedly prove beneficial in future projects and endeavors within the field of Embedded systems.

Lab 1

The main objective of this lab 1 is to understand the following concepts; 

Lab 2

The main objective of this lab 2 is to understand the following concepts; 

Lab 3

The main objective of this lab 3 is to understand the following concepts. 


The main objective of this lab 3 is to understand the following concepts.