EBAD Based Diabetes Monitoring


This project is designed to monitor diabetic condition in a non-invasive way of sensing breath acetone. The patients can use breath sensor to get results on real-time without any delay and also get necessary precautions and dietary information. The device is designed along with an application which communicates with the device obtain results and show precautions. The application can also display history of records on a graph, which can be used by the doctor to track records of the patient. In extreme cases the application display's nearby hospitals and doctor information.

Current Problem

Current system uses urine or blood samples to determine diabetics in a patient. This process has disadvantages like the time taken for the test to produce results and the difficulty in collecting the samples for the test. Both the methods are considered invasive, painful and inconvenient. So there is a need for developing a non-invasive method of monitoring diabetics which can be reliable and produce satisfying results. Also with the increasing use of smart medical devices there is a need for developing a system which can provide real time feedback to user based on their present diabetic level without consultation of the doctor every time.


  1. To monitor diabetic level of a person with the help of acetone content in breath.

  2. To compare the obtain real-time data with predefined values and to provide feedback or precautionary measures through mobile app.

  3. To show the user full history of measured data in understandable form such as graphs.

Block Diagram

The figure shows the proposed block diagram. It shows various blocks which represents different steps in proposed idea.

  1. FIGARO TGS 822 gas sensor is used to detect the amount of acetone gas in a person’s breath.

  2. In order to get an accurate concentration of acetone gas in a person’s breath, humidity and temperature sensor (DHT11) is added.

  3. The reading from sensor is sent to Arduino, the data is shared to the mobile application via Bluetooth module.

  4. From the database the data is analyzed and compared with the predefined data sets and proper prescription will be provided to the user through Android application.

Hardware Algorithm

      • Start

      • Define global variable and microcontroller pins.

      • For the defined microcontroller pins set pin modes as input/output.

      • Display welcome message and time on lcd screen.

      • Check DHT11 (Temperature and Humidity sensor) sensor pin wise using switch statement.

      • Check gas sensor is stable or not.

      • Take samples for 10 seconds from the sensor and produce results.

      • Read DHT11 data i.e, both temperature and humidity and set the initial values as the first read value.

      • Continue taking measurements and keep on checking if there is a value change in ideal conditions.

      • If there is value change update the values set during previous steps.

      • Print the minimum and maximum values encountered during calibration process.

      • Check if the maximum and minimum values are within the range of detection and also check if the values changed more than 3 times. If both the cases are true then go to step 13 again. Else go to step 6.

      • The continuous loop that is to be run after calibration checks for reading periodically.

  • Display message to start testing. And start a countdown timer.

  • When the timer ends, read sensor values. Three readings are taken in with an interval of 5ms.

  • Check if the three readings are same as that of previous value if yes go to step 13, if no got to step 17

  • Clear the LCD screen and print the updated value on the screen.

  • Transmit the updated value via Bluetooth to connected device and proceed to step 13 again.

  • Stop