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Mayor and Recreation Director Release Joint Statement on Octoberfest

MEDIA CONTACTOffice of the Clerk-Fiscal Officer(740)
RUTLAND — Mayor Tyler M. Eblin and Director of Parks and Recreation Denise Lambert have released a joint statement regarding the Second Annual Rutland Octoberfest.
It is with regret that we announce our decision to suspend the second annual Rutland Octoberfest for the fall of 2024. We know this event was enjoyed by many during its inception in 2023 and the Village of Rutland had not experienced such an inviting street festival in many years.
The event is primarily funded through contributions and sponsorships. Any expense not offset through external funding would be required to receive funding from the Village's general fund.
This year, the renovation of the Rutland Civic Center Gymnasium required a dedication of monies from the Village's general fund as a share with state funding and local contributions. The Village was obligated to prioritize the gymnasium's project in this year's capital improvement plan to prevent loss of the state's share of funding.
The Village's general fund is the primary fund that supports all Village operations and services. The cost of public services and capital improvements take priority over recreational events, and the renovation of the Rutland Civic Center Gymnasium, a capital improvement, left the Village's general fund with revenue only sufficient enough to support regular Village operations and services and limited recreational events.
A careful review of the projected revenue in the Village's general fund yielded insufficient revenue to sustain both the 2024 Rutland Octoberfest and regular Village operations and services. Paired with the inability to procure sufficient contributions and sponsorships, we found suspending this year's event to be in the best financial interest of the Village. Accordingly, we have directed the Clerk-Fiscal Officer to contact any vendor which may have already registered for the event.
Alternatively, the Village will hold its Halloween Spooktacular on October 31, 2024, an event more affordable to the Village's general fund. The event will begin with Trick-or-Treat from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., followed by a costume judging contest, games, food and music at Rutland Civic Center from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., including the haunted house at 8:30 p.m.
Meanwhile, we will strive to gain the financial support for a much more improved 2025 Rutland Octoberfest. Until then, we hope we see you and your family at our other fall event, the Halloween Spooktacular, and all other Village events.
Very best regards,
Tyler M. Eblin, Mayor, Village of Rutland
Denise Lambert, Director of Parks and Recreation, Village of Rutland