Viera Instrumental music parent organization

The goals of the Viera Instrumental Music Parent Organization are to provide support to the band/orchestra program through various volunteer opportunities, to encourage students to strive for excellence in the art of music and develop band spirit, to give optimistic and positive support to the Instrumental Music Director(s) and all members of the band & orchestra, and to develop community awareness of the efforts of the band & orchestra students and appreciation for their achievements.

game & Performance Volunteer Sign-up

Parent/Guardians - we are in need of volunteers to work concessions at home football games & chaperone our students as well. Please follow this link to sign-up: 

Marching Band performance schedule:

Announcements & Events: 

TEAMSNAP - Parent/Guardian communication app

TeamSnap is the tool the VIMPO board of directors has chosen to facilitate the communication and organizational needs of our large group as we work together to support VIMPO’s near and long term goals. 

Please take a moment to accept the invitation and update your user profile with your preferred email and cell phone numbers. (These have been pre-populated with data previously provided to VIMPO).  Each account has been set to private, which means only VIMPO board members can see your information.  If you wish to make this info available to group members, you can adjust the setting in your profile. 

If you have not received an invitation from sender “VIMPO,“ please double-check your spam folder and notify the VIMPO communications coordinator, Jennifer Grey, if you have any questions or need further assistance:

Carriage rides at the avenue - wind ensemble fundraiser

Wind Ensemble students/families have a fundraising opportunity by volunteering at The Avenue Viera's Holiday Carriage Rides!

Sign-Up for volunteers spots: