Library Events

Career Building vis-a-vis Effective Job Searching

Date: 30.04.2022

Time: 5:15 pm to 7:00 pm

Place: College Auditorium

State Level Webinar on Cyber Security in a Digital Era

Date: Saturday, 12 September 2020

Time : 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Organized by :

Vidyasagar Metropolitan College Library

in association with

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC),

Vidyasagar Metropolitan College,

39, Sankar Ghosh Lane,

Kolkata - 700006.


Distinguished Speakers:

Mr. Kuntal Sidhartha

Cyber Police Station


Mr. Aloke Maji

Cyber Police Station


Registration :

Please click on the link below to register your name to participate in the programme:

Webinar Platform:

Click on the You Tube live streaming link below to participate in the event:

General Guidelines:

1.No registration fee is required for participation.

2.Last date of registration is 11.09.2020.

3.Anyone can participate in this webinar. However, students are specially encouraged to participate in this event to augment their awareness regarding Cyber Security.

4.The registration form need not be filled out more than once.

5.Please fill out the registration form very carefully. No request for change will be accepted after the form is submitted.

6.Participation certificates will be issued to the registered participants via email.

7.The participation certificate will be issued only to those participants who are present for the entire event and submit the feedback form.

8.If you have any questions during the event, write in the live chat box.

9.If you require any further information, feel free to contact us on this email id: or Mobile Number : 8436040174.

Chief Patrons :

Dr. Ram Swarup Gangopadhyay, Principal

Prof. Arunabha Mishra, Coordinator

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Organizing Committee Members :

Sri Pulak Ranjan Naskar (Convener)

Sri Sumit Kumar Manna

Dr. Biswajoy Brahmachari

Prof. Anjan Kr. Roychowdhury

Dr. Alakesh Maity

Dr. Shymasree Basu

Prof. Shubhankar Roy

Prof. Olivia Kundu

All are cordially invited to attend the webinar

Book Exhibition on Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Date: 29/09/2019

Book Exhibition :


List of books for exhibition:

To celebrate the 200th birth anniversary of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar our Vidyasagar Evening College Library has arranged a book exhibition programme in our college campus on 26/09/2019 to display the books on Vidyasagar and written by Vidyasagar.