Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked Questions about the library will be quite useful to the new users. Although, a library attempts to provide all the information a user needs, soon they find the users coming up with unforeseen queries and problems, these queries are grouped together under FAQs, it lessens the library staff attending to every such problem repeatedly.

Some of the FAQ’s are :

1. What are the rules for studying in reading room of the Library?

A student will fill up the requisition slip meant for reading room of the Library along with his/her identity card and his/her chosen books which he/she has collected from the Library shelves.

2. How can I get a library card?

Library will notify each year for membership card for their students. Students have to bring stamp size photo (3 copies for Honours student and 2 copies for General student) along with fees card and college ID card to get library membership card.

3. Where are the books located in the library?

Library arranged books as per the subject classification. Books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification 18th edition and arrange in library book stack.

4. Does the library have any computer for students’ use?

Library have two dedicated computers having internet connectivity for the use of students, Faculty Members and other staff of college .