10 Teamwork & Scrum

Topic Description

Students learn how to use basic Scrum methodologies to manage teams in the development of projects. Scrum is designed to develop and release (publish) projects in specified time frame.


In this lesson, students will gain real world project management skills using a modified Scrum process. Students become accountable for their contributions to the team by the number of the tasks they complete as part of the Scrum management of the project.

Teacher Documents

As part of the project, documents are provided to help implementing Scrum for project management in the class.

  1. "Teamwork & Scrum" provides instructions on implementing scrum in the classroom for team projects.
  2. "Scrum Poster Board Layout" give a pattern for creating Scrumboards using a posterboard or foamboard the can be used by a team in the classroom. As part of this document are the headings that can be cut out and pasted on the Scrumboard.
  3. "Scrum Method Guidelines" provides instructions on the basic concepts of Scrum.
  4. Also provided is a blank template printed on a sheet of 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper, "Scrum Post-it Note Layout Form".
  5. The second related document allows a person to place Post-it notes on the form and run it through the printer again to place writing on the Post-it notes to guide the breaking down of the project into tasks.
  6. "Scrum Project Sample" is a Google Sheet that can be copied and used as an electronic scrum management tool.
  7. Link to Utah Coding Project "10 Coding Teamwork & Scrum" folder with all the related documents.

"What is Scrum?" YouTube video.

10 Coding Teamwork & Scrum
Scrum Methods Guidelines
Scrum Board Layout
Scrum Post-it Note Layout Form
Scrum Print Post-it Note Task Form
Scrum Project Planning Sample