2017 Sep - Utah STEM Fest Projects

Utah STEM Fest Projects - Sample Microbit Projects

September 30, 2017

For the Utah STEM Fest we (myself and Dallin Graham, Utah County 4-H STEM Coordinator) are running a booth to introduce students and teachers to coding and innovation using micro:bits. Included here are links to our sample demonstration projects and our coding challenges.

Sample Demonstration Projects

Name Tag

A micro:bit name tag that says, "Hi I'm Carl" and shows a star animation. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_aXHDJLCxA8jc


A alligator created and programmed by Paten (age 7) and Reagan (age 4). Code:

Water Alarm

This alarm is set up using a micro:bit, 2 probes, and a speaker. When water comes between the 2 probes, the micro:bit senses that current is passing between the probes and then displays a flashing sign on the micro:bit and then keep playing an alarm tune until the problem is fixed. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_UWsdyy72pFEW Instructions: https://goo.gl/W7yMTN

4 Function Calculator

The calculator was programmed in about an hour by Jax (age 12). The buttons are used to select the numbers and the math operation and then the answer is displayed. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_AWUUrTW8Pa7d

Soil Moisture Tester

Using the micro:bit with 2 probes the moisture in soil can be checked and displayed by sensing the amount of current that will pass between the probes. A log can be kept of the date and the measurement displayed. Observation sheet: https://goo.gl/rGBrbS Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_YACi3Uf6o5y9 Instructions: https://goo.gl/fA6AdQ

Reaction Game

The micro:bit is programmed to check how fast you can react when a signal is displayed on the micro:bit. The reaction time is then displayed in milliseconds. Directions & Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/projects/reaction-time

Sample Micro:bit Coding Challenges

Name, Initials, and Design

Using the on start event a person's name is displayed. Then using the "A" & "B" buttons and events a person's initials are displayed and a design. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_0Rz64ugMAegF Instructions: https://goo.gl/VJmyRU

Flashing Heart

Using the LEDs on the micro:bit an animation is created to resemble a beating heart. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_aibMJU1tKCvA Instructions: https://goo.gl/BVBChp

Dice Roll

Use the shake event on the micro:bit to generate a random number between 1-6 to display as a dice roll. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_Y6gDJCLiUPUy Instructions: https://goo.gl/EM4yUj

Music Player

Connecting headphone or a speaker the micro:bit can be coded to play music. Code: https://makecode.microbit.org/_5qe1isHq7Hs1 Instructions: https://goo.gl/Y9nu9Z