06 Asset Creation

Photo Creation & Editing


  • Taking a photo with a digital camera or a phone.
  • Downloading a created image to a computer.
  • Downloading a Public Domain or Creative Commons image.
  • Get the URL for an online image.
  • Cropping — trimming the unwanted parts of the image.
  • Resizing — making the image smaller to use in app or on the Web.
  • Transparent background — create a transparent background on the image.
  • Change the file format. (jpg, png, gif, etc.)
  • Uploading — bring the image from the phone or the computer to the online application.
  • Artistic Effects — change the color, design, or other properties of the image.

Image Editing Programs or Sites

  • Windows Paint
  • Adobe PhotoShop or PhotoShop Elements
  • iOS apps:
  • Android apps:
  • Online sites:

Sound Creation & Editing


  • Recording of sound using a phone or digital recorder
  • Downloading a created sound to the computer.
  • Finding and downloading a Public Domain, Creative Commons, or royalty free sound.
  • Get the URL for an online sound file.
  • Amplify or soften the sound.
  • Crop the beginning or ends of the sound.
  • Cut a section from the middle of the sound.
  • Change the format of the sound file. (mp3, m4a, wav, etc.)
  • Upload the image to an online application.

Sound Creation & Editing Programs or Sites

  • iOS apps: Garageband, VPR 7, StoryCorps
  • Android apps:
  • Windows
  • Online sites:

Drawing Creation & Editing


  • Understand vector and bitmap drawing.
  • Create a drawing.
  • Downloading or copying a created drawing to the computer.
  • Finding and downloading a Public Domain, Creative Commons, or royalty free drawing.
  • Get the URL for an online drawing file.
  • Edit a drawing.
  • Change the format of the drawing file.
  • Upload the image to an online application.

Sound Creation & Editing Programs or Sites

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • iOS apps:
  • Android apps:
  • Windows: 3D Builder
  • Online sites: Google Draw

Animation Creation & Editing


  • Understand an animated GIF to use in applications.
  • Create an animation using a phone, computer, or online resource.
  • Downloading a created animation to the computer.
  • Finding and downloading a Public Domain, Creative Commons, or royalty animation.
  • Get the URL for an online animation file.
  • Change the format of the animation file.
  • Upload the animation to an online application.

Sound Creation & Editing Programs or Sites

  • iOS apps:
  • Android apps:
  • Windows
  • Online sites:

Video Creation & Editing


  • Understand an animated GIF to use in applications.
  • Create an video using a phone, computer, or online resource.
  • Downloading a created video to the computer.
  • Finding and downloading a Public Domain, Creative Commons, or royalty video.
  • Crop and cut sections of the video.
  • Add sound or music to the video.
  • Add a title and credits to a video.
  • Get the URL for an online video file.
  • Change the format of the video file. (mov, mp4, etc.)
  • Upload the video to use in an online application.

Sound Creation & Editing Programs or Sites

  • iOS apps: Camera, iMovie
  • Android apps:
  • Windows
  • Online sites: