


Anthropology of the Hometown, Postcolonial Hauntings, and Methodological Confusions

October 5, 2018, 3:00-4:30PM at Building 14, Room 407

Registration: Open to All

How does everyday life look in an agricultural town that calls itself the “Town of Dollars”? In the Bicol region, located in the Southeast part of Luzon Island, Philippines, my hometown named Nabua is known for the many male townsfolk who served in the United States Navy from the beginning of the 20th century until the closure of the U.S. Bases in 1991, and who sent dollars to their relatives who were left behind. In this post-dissertation presentation, I introduce some of the dimensions of everyday life that make up postcolonial consciousness in only one of the places in the Philippines in which migrant labor have been historically produced.

Commentator: Dr. Ksenia Golovina, Assistant Professor, Center for Global Communication Strategies, University of Tokyo

The Method of Negative Production: A Non/Methods Workshop

October 5, 5:00-7:00PM at Building 14, Room 407

Registration required: Email: c.anthro.workshop.info[at]gmail.com (please change [at] to @)

Graduate students attending this workshop are asked to read beforehand the author’s piece titled “Negative Productions during Fieldwork in the Hometown” (DOI: 10.1080/2373566X.2017.1370385). In this workshop, we will think through some of the “non-productive” moments during anthropological fieldwork. How could we rethink ethnographic pauses and moments of “non-production” that depart from “rigorous” techniques of data gathering during fieldwork, especially within the academy’s demands for knowledge production?

Time Schedule


3:00~3:40  Ph.D. Thesis Report by Dr. Docot

3:40~3:50 Comment by Dr. Ksenia

3:50~4:30 Discussion

4:30~5:00 Break

5:00~7:00 Methods Workshop by Dr. Docot

7:00~9:00 After Conference Party


Dr. Dada Docot is an alumna of Human Security Studies at the University of Tokyo, under the supervision of Dr. Shinji Yamashita. She recently completed her doctoral degree in Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. In 2014, she was a visiting scholar at Oxford University’s Centre for Migration, Policy, and Society. She is a visual anthropologist whose works center on Filipino overseas migration, with works shown in both academic and art environments. She is currently a Teaching Fellow at New York University Shanghai. http://dadadocot.com