Page 07

Season 1 Ep 1 Players

Major J. Somers

Major  Markov

Major Tommohawk


- Captains Ready Room -

Arriving Markov hit the door button and entered. No need to wait he thought as he had been asked up. "Major what seems to be the hooha? That exercise was just getting interesting."

Markov entered without preamble

"Major what seems to be the hooha? That exercise was just getting interesting."

"Ah Anton do take a seat" She waited till he was sitting. "I will need you to debrief the Pilots, make sure all Departments check in with you and readiness, as we will soon have to dock with DS10, something is in the works. I do not know if you noticed but the amount of ships at DS10 has increased in number since we started our exercise" She said.

"Sure did Major. Word has it from the Marine guys that the Starfighter squadron there as well as the Marine Battalion are getting ready to ship out as well." Anton walked to the room and looked out at the station with the assembled fleet. "Including us I see 8 ships. Hell apart from the Ajax and Goddard that's the entire Task force. Have you any idea yet?"

"I do not exactly know, but I want all the crew rested and ready to go" she added.

"Yes Ma'am. I'd also recommend docking with DS10 to bring on extra supplies and let her power us to make sure everything is ready." He thought for a moment. "That and I'm going to visit the 2XO and the two Marine CO's. Let them know whats happening and get an inventory request."

"Understood Anton, we will shortly be docking with DS10 shortly and from there we will see what happens" She said.

"Good. I rather suspect we will get a proper trail by fire. There is no other reason for having us all here."

"Well I do not know what is exactly up, but to have this many ships in one place and at anyone time means something big is in the works."

"Indeed. If that is all I will head on and get the ship ready while you dock us with DS10." Markov stood ready to leave.

As the XO stood up to leave "So Anton what do you make of Samuel?" She asked.

Anton took a moment to think about his response. "Lets just say Major. That I know stuff about him that hasn't gone into his record. What's your impressions?"

"Hmm.. Interesting, at first glance he strikes me as over confident and a bit upperclass-ish, but I cannot deny his skill. I mean how quickly he recovered from that graze from the ship, the beam must have knocked out all his systems, his rapid recovery says a lot about a person" She said.

Markov laughed. "Well Jasmine last time I saw him his fighter was ablaze after strafing an enemy position in a black ops mission and taking heavy fire back. That and several other things would leave me to believe he is indestructible. A ships phaser fire is nothing to him." Anton put his hands on the back of the chair and leaned forward. "If that man gets his way, which he probably will, he will have those fighters so tight not even a changeling could get past the CAP." Anton stood up again and saluted. "I believe you have a briefing to go to, and I have a crew to whip. Good day Major."

"Good day to you too and I hope he does Anton" She responded returning the Salute as the Major left the room.

Activating the Comms. =/\= Helm take us back to DS10 and dock, then recharge everything and restock, Somers out =/\= She said and closed the link before the Helm Officer had a chance to respond.

oO Untested crew as regards to Team work, will have to sort that one out Oo She thought, then thought of something, she pulled up her CAGs file, then activated the Comms.

=/\= Major Somers to Marine Captain Jones, report to my Ready Room, Somers out =/\= She said and closed the link.

Jones was already on the bridge. He had followed the XO up once he had landed so he could get a few words with him. Unfortunately that got cut short. None the less the two has a chance to exchange a brief conversation. As the Major exited Jones stood up and walked over to him.

"Anton, Anton, Anton. Good to see you old mate."

"Old?" Anton joked. "We are both the same age. But yea. Still a Captain I see. You'd be a Colonel by now if you'd kept your nose clean."

Jones raised an eyebrow. "And you'd be higher still if you bothered to take full command. But I guess you prefer showing the rookies how it's done. I'll head on. Somers is calling."

Walking through the ready room doors just aftrer the Major had walked out Jones caught the Major reading his file. Or at least he assumed it would be. "Major, Captain Jones reporting."

Returning the salute, "please be seated Marine Captain" After Jones was sitting, she looked at him and studied him "Can I offer you a drink?"

Jones sat down. "Yes please Major. Just as long as it's none of the Majors Vodka. That stuff would knock a Klingon out." Probably has done he mused to himself. "A coffee will be fine."

After replicating his drink and getting a mug of tea for herself, she sat back down and studied him a little further. "I like your tactics out the Captain, you were grazed by a beam from my Tactical Officer and you recovered quite quickly, I am impressed. I have been looking at your file and it is quite impressive, now what it does not tell me is what we will find out over time" She paused as she took a sip of her tea. "Any questions you might have?" She asked.

"Ma'am if I may be so bold. You tactical officer was lucky. I was under the impression the array wasn't working and planned like that. As for the recovery, you pick that up fast when the Dominion are bearing down on you." He took a large swig of his coffee. "What do you think of Anton?"

As she was about to respond the Comms came alive.

=/\= Captain we have now docked at Docking Port Beta-1, Lower Promenade=/\= The Comms Officer announced.

=/\= Thank you Lieutenant, please let me know when I am required to attend the meeting that is due =/\=

=/\= Affirmative, Comms out =/\=

With that she turned to Jones, "sorry about that Captain, now where were we? Ah yes you were asking things"

"Just asked what you think of Anton Ma'am. Curiosity. I've known him a while and it's always interesting to see what impression he gives." Jones wondered how awkward this would be for her to answer.

Looking at the Marine Captain and studying him "I will reserve my judgement of Major Markov until I know more, I do not judge until I have seen someone in action" She said with a small smile.

"Excellent" Somers said "dismissed" She added with a smile and watched Jones leave.

- Bridge -

The major had just came on the bridge when he observed the captain motioning the new Air group commander to come in to her ready room. Marctroy then took the liberty of checking in on the status of his team whom he has dubbed the "Fallujian Hounds" which was a nod to a historic unit of the 21st century Marine Corps of Earth.

"Gunny...are we ready to go when we arrive?" Marctroy asked. The gruff non-com replied. "Yes sir, Major. The hounds are set to go when you say the the way sir....Lt. Johanson left you a message. You are to meet with Lt. Colonel Bran as soon as we dock at DS10. I suppose its to get a feel of combat strength." Marctroy thought of it a bit and nodded "I dont see a problem with that gunnery sergeant. Have the First Shirt meet me over there." Marctroy responded.

"Aye Sir...will do." and the screen went blank. Then he turned to see the station getting closer in the viewscreen. oOWell now comes the moment of truth. No more fudlling with Federation rules when lives are on the line. Politicians dont do combat very well nor do they have to write condolence letters when men fall under their command. Seeing the XO to his left of his station on the bridge. "Sir, all marine units are at alert 5 till further notice."

"Excellent Major. How are you feeling about this mission?"

"I would think that we all are holding our collective breath Major. This is the first time this vessel has been asked to partake in such a monumental event and it would seem that every hand will be called upon to do their part. Being "concerned" Major Markov would understatement." The stalwart hard charger replied and then slowly smiled at the thought of task ahead.

Anton laughed. "Nothing to be concerned about at all. I doubt anything we come into contact with during this one will be half as bad as some of the stuff in the Dominion war. Just follow orders and you'll make it through."

The Simmers who took part in this  7 page Sim are:-

Major Jasmine Somers

Commanding Officer

Major Jonathan Frost

First Officer

Major Anton Markov

Executive Officer

Major Tommohawk


Lieutenant Sofee Tsmel

Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Gabriel McCallister


2nd Lieutenant Akachi Adanna Ngozi

2nd Officer/Chief Tactical Officer