
Course Overview

  • Course Description
  • Teaching Methods
  • Course Objective
  • Course Topics
  • Learning Outcomes

Course Description

The course “Operations Management” focuses on the operations necessary and indispensable for the effective management of organizational planning, organizing, directing and control of resources needed to produce products and/or deliver services in order to add value and to realize greater benefits.

This course encompasses topics from planning, design and development, purchasing, production, quality control and post-delivery services.

It is based on renowned literature sources, international standards, industry reference books, best practices, and case studies.

Teaching Methods

Teaching will rely on the involvement of students in the discussions of the presentations and short topical videos.

Each set of classes will include a Q&A session, conducted using online platforms for feedback (polling).

The PISU participants in this course will be given team assignments.

The professors will provide a template for the final presentation. The participants’ work will be presented and discussed both with the professors and with the other teams of participants.

Course Objective

The course aims to enhance the competence of the participants.

They will gain knowledge and will acquire practical skills in the following areas: management of operations, role of management in business operations, winning and competitive priorities, stages of design and development of products and services, capacity planning, performance evaluation, total quality management, international standards for quality, etc.

Students will be able to create their individual concept and understanding of operations management by targeted research and professional preparation of their projects.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • apply in practice the theoretical and professional framework dealing with operations management in modern manufacturing and service organizations,
  • define the requirements for management of operations,
  • evaluate an organization’s maturity in respect to operations management, and
  • propose actions for the improvement of operations.