The Richard Schneider Era Photos (1969-1981)
When Dr. Kahn retired in 1969, Dr. Richard Schneider became the third Chairman of Neurosurgery at the University of Michigan. Dr. Schneider trained at U-M under the direction of Dr. Peet. His training was interrupted by military service during World War II, but he finished in 1948. Dr. Schneider added a significant element of basic laboratory research to U-M’s program. He became world famous for his work with brain and spinal cord trauma and was the first to describe a number of clinical syndromes of partial spinal cord injury. Through close collaboration with Dr. Elizabeth Crosby, the two were able to describe in detail the anatomic alterations in these various clinical syndromes. Together they authored numerous landmark papers and several editions of the classic textbook Correlative Neurosurgery. Through his work in the area of traumatic spinal cord syndromes, he made major contributions in the field of head protection. Many of his concepts translated into better helmets for various sports.
Request for Photos: If you have any photos from your time in the Department of Neurosurgery (whether recent or dating back many years!), we’d love to include them in this photo archive. Please send photos you’d like to share to Megan Foldenauer at, or mail them to the address listed below. Please be sure to include names of individuals pictured in the photo(s) along with a date/year, if known. Hard copy photos or digital versions are both fine (Megan can digitize photos as needed). If you send an original copy that you’d like returned to you, please be sure to include a return address.
Mail photos to:
U-M Department of Neurosurgery
Attn: Megan Foldenauer
3552 Taubman Center
1500 E. Medical Center Drive, SPC 5338
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
© 2017-2018 | University of Michigan - Department of Neurosurgery | 734-232-4849