Project Look Sharp

NOTE: These sessions have already happened, but the video recordings are available below.

When? Wednesday, November 8, AND Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Where? On Zoom. Register here to get the Zoom link. 

You'll register for all 8 sessions in Part 1, but don't have to attend all of them. 

Educators will receive up to 1.5 clock hours per session, based on the actual time they spend in each synchronous session.

Video recordings will be available afterwards, but not eligible for clock hours.

What will you learn & who is it for? 

Session 1, November 8: Introduction to Question-Based Media Analysis. "This interactive workshop will present the theory, methodology, and free resources for engaging all students in habits of questioning all media messages.  This student centered, standards-driven, inquiry-based approach and materials, enable librarians and teachers to integrate media literacy while teaching specific subjects and levels."

Session 2, November 15: Resources for Integrating Constructivist Media Decoding Into our Schools. "After a brief introduction to CMD, we will explore free resources for classroom integration including 800+ standards aligned and subject specific media decoding lessons; key handouts for students and teachers; short video demonstrations; slide sets and guides for delivering PD; and more."

C & T Activities for all age levels

S Some activities can be used in a public library setting, but most are designed for a school setting

Visit the Project Look Sharp website

Recordings from the sessions:

Part 1 session recording

Part 2 session recording

About presenter Chris Sperry:

Chris Sperry is the Director of Curriculum and Staff Development for Project Look Sharp, a media literacy initiative at Ithaca College that he co-founded with Cyndy Scheibe in 1996. He taught secondary social studies, English and media studies for over 40 years in Ithaca, NY. He is the co-author and producer of hundreds of media literacy lessons that integrate media decoding and critical thinking into the curriculum. He is the recipient of the 2005 National PTA Leaders in Learning Award for Media Literacy and the 2008 National Council for the Social Studies Award for Global Understanding. He is co-author with Cyndy Scheibe of the book Teaching Students to Decode the World: Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum, ACSD Jan 2022. Chris is currently directing a two-year grant-funded initiative: New York State Librarians as Leaders for Media Literacy