Julia Torres

NOTE: This session has already happened, but the video recording link is available below.

When? Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Where? On Zoom. Register here to get the Zoom link. 

You'll register for all 8 sessions in Part 1, but don't have to attend all of them. 

Educators will receive up to 1.5 clock hours per session, based on the actual time they spend in each synchronous session.

Video recordings will be available afterwards, but not eligible for clock hours.

What will you learn & who is it for? Julia speaks about many different topics, always through a lens of "equity, anti-bias/anti-racist education, culturally sustaining pedagogies and literacy in the digital age." For this session, she will focus on media literacy instruction through this lens. 

T Julia's work focuses on students age 10 and up

S & P   Julia has worked in both schools and public libraries, so her ideas are relevant for folks who work in either of these settings. 

Visit Julia Torres's website

Materials & recordings from the session:

Presentation slides

Resources Padlet for this series has a very full section of resources recommended by Julia and participants during this session

The session recording lives on the Washington State Library Niche Academy site and will be available until March 6, 2024. 

In order to view the recording, make sure you have registered for a Niche Academy account by clicking on the person-shaped icon on the top right corner of the screen, selecting "Creating a free account," and filling out the required information.  Once you have logged in, you will have access to the recording. 

About presenter Julia Torres:

As a nationally-recognized teacher-librarian in Denver, Colorado, Julia takes a variety of approaches to instruction and content creation that are sure to engage and inspire. From issues of race and gender to equity and access in children’s literature, Julia supports individuals and organizations working to empower and liberate learners of any age. You can find her work on NPR, PBS, Al Jazeera, KQED, Rethinking Schools, Learning For Justice magazine and many more publications that unpack and explore the heart of social issues. She has been awarded the 2020 NCTE Colorado Affiliate Teacher of Excellence award, the same year she was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker. In addition to individual projects she undertakes, she’s a board member for the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE (ALAN), and The Book Love Foundation. She also serves teachers as a member of the Educolor Collective Steering Committee and co-founded #DisruptTexts 2018.