Katie Davis

Note: Katie Davis had to cancel her live presentation, but she made a recording of it (see below).

What will you learn & who is it for? The focus of the session will be "social media literacy." 

T Since the focus is on social media, this will be most relevant for folks working with teens/secondary students, but folks working with children/elementary students might consider starting to talk about social media with kids before they actually dive into it

S & P Katie's work is relevant for folks in either a school setting or a public library setting

Visit Katie Davis's website

Katie Davis - Social Media Literacy - OSPI - JAN 2024_default.mp4

About presenter Katie Davis:

Dr. Katie Davis is Associate Professor at the University of Washington (UW) and Director of the UW Digital Youth Lab. For nearly 20 years, Katie has been researching and speaking about the impact of digital technologies on young people’s learning, development, and well-being. Katie uses the insights from her research to design positive technology experiences for youth and their families and to provide practical guidance to parents, educators, policymakers, and technology designers. At UW, she mentors undergraduate and graduate students and teaches courses on child development and technology design. She has published more than 90 academic papers and is the author of three books, all exploring technology’s role in young people’s lives: Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up, Writers in the Secret Garden: Fanfiction, Youth, and New Forms of Mentoring (with Cecilia Aragon), and The App Generation: How Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World (with Howard Gardner). In each, Katie aims to make sense of the often-confusing landscape of research and media messages about kids and technology.