Santiago Garcia-Guerrero

Visiting Researcher

About: I am an interdisciplinary behavioural scientist with a background in clinical psychology. I am interested in a variety of scientific approaches to Psychology, including the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, Social Psychology, Decision-Making, Clinical Behavioural Analysis, Philosophy of Science, Relational Frame Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Bio: After completing a 5-year degree at the Catholic University of Colombia in 2006 (conferring the title of Chartered Clinical Psychologist in Colombia), I worked as a clinician delivering psychotherapy to diverse populations, helping users deal with different psychological conditions such as anxiety and substance misuse. In 2007, I moved to the UK where I continued my clinical practice at an NHS centre for people struggling with alcohol and heroin addiction. In 2012 I completed an M.Sc. in Psychology at the University of East London, where I advanced my interest in contemporary approaches to the study of language and symbolic behaviour from a behavioural analytic perspective. In 2015 I moved to the Republic of Ireland to complete a structured Ph.D. (Perception, Cognition and Action) at NUI Galway, where I developed and tested an approach-avoidance decision-making procedure to evaluate fear. In addition to the aforementioned, my recent research interests revolve around how the aggregated effect of groups affects the behaviour of its members at the individual level.


Garcia-Guerrero, S (2019). The price of fear: Developing a behavioural assessment of fear-related avoidance incorporating dynamic response measures. [Doctoral dissertation; National University of Ireland, Galway].

Garcia-Guerrero, S., O'Hora, D., Zgonnikov, A., & Scherbaum, S. (Under review). The action dynamics of approach-avoidance conflict in decision-making: A mouse-tracking study. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Preprint available at PsyArXivdoi:

Garcia-Guerrero, S., Dickins, T.E. & Dickins, D.W. (2014). The Gradual Extinction of Transferred Avoidance Stimulus Functions. The Psychological Record, 64(1), 581–599.

Cruz, D; García, S; Quant, D & Carrillo, A. (2008). Aspectos básicos en cirugía estereotáxica [Basic aspects of sterotactic surgery]. Universidad Católica de Colombia, Facultad de Psicología. Bogotá. D.C: Stella Valbuena García. ISBN: 978-958-8465-06-7. Digital copy available at


Email: santiago.psych AT

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Twitter: @Santi_GGuerrero