

7 December 2022: Warren Horrod-Wilson today passed his MSc by Research with a distinction. He worked on begging sequences in Kittiwake chicks, and he is now a PhD candidate at Royal Holloway, University of London, working on bird song.

25 November 2022: Sabrina Schalz has today tranferred from MPhil to PhD track after an excellent defense of her studies on urban crows. Well done Sabrina!

12 October 2022: Amanda Mead has today been awarded a distinction for her MSc by Research looking at the interactions between alpha and beta Kittiwakes chicks at the nest. This work was conducted to help understand possible siblicide, a type of brood reduction behaviour. Many congratulations to Amanda!

9 September 2022: A new open access paper with Daniel Nettle exploring the causal relation between income inequality and health has just been published in The Social Science journal.

22 June 2022: A new open access paper has been published with Kimmo Eriksson and Pontus Strimling on global sex differences in hygiene norms and their relation to sex equality.

24 March 2022: A new paper has been published by Jonathan Sigger on using a hotspot procedure in an online study of perceptions of hand contamination.

11 March 2022: Congratulations to Kirsty Neller who transferred to PhD track today. Kirsty is working on parental quality in Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on colonies on Lundy and in Lowestoft.

4 March 2022: Congratulations to Warren Horrod-Wilson who today registered for his MSc by Research.  He is working on chick begging sequences in Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla).

22 February 2022: Congratulations to Jonathan Sigger who today transferred successfully from MPhil to PhD track. Jonathan is working on the application of perceptual control theory to hand washing interventions.


30 November 2021: A new blog has been posted on MDX Minds - New perspectives on evolutionary theory revealed

15 November 2021: Tom Dickins published a book entitled The Modern Synthesis: Evolution and the Organization of Information, with Springer.

11 November 2021: The BSL Kittiwake team have just had a short note accepted in British Birds (114) due out in December 2021. In the note a probable filicide of a Kittiwake chick is described. You can read our tweet about the paper here. Please contact the lead author, Amanda Mead, for more details.

5 November 2021: Congratulations are due to Claire Gellard who successfully transferred from MPhil to PhD after a tremendous presentation and panel discussion. 

5 October 2021: Tom Dickins has published a new paper in Behavior & Philosophy on Ecological Psychology, Radical Enactivism and Behavior.

4 October 2021: Tom Dickins has published a new paper on biosemiotics and information theory in Biosemiotics.  The paper is available at this link for a short while.

30 September 2021: Kirsty Neller gave a talk on her Kittiwake research to the London Natural History Society. To watch the talk click on this link.

16 September 2021: Warren Horrod Wilson, previously an undergraduate member of our lab, has now joined as a candidate on our MSc by Research (Evolutionary Behavioural Science). He will be joining Kirsty Neller and Amanda Mead on the Kittiwake team. Welcome back Warren, we are really pleased to have you on board.

9 September 2021: Congratulations to Sabrina Schalz who has joined the Proceedings B Preprint editorial team for animal behaviour and cognition. 

2 July 2021: A new paper by Juan Carlos Augusto and Tom Dickins explores comparisons between concepts of context in natural and artificial systems.

28 June 2021: A new paper just out in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute for Futures, Sweden: Hygiene Norms Across 56 Nations are Predicted by Self-Control Values and Disease Threat - available here: 

22 April 2021: Congratulations to Amanda Mead who today passed her registration panel for her MSc  by Research looking at conflict between Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks. Now the restrictions are changed in the U.K. she should be in the field this June.

18 February 2021: A new commentary paper from Jonathan Sigger is now out in which perceptual control theory is applied to aspects of cleansing behaviour: A not-so proximate account of cleansing behavior.

15 January 2021: A new blog on Social Capital and Covid-19 has been published on MDX Minds, discussing how social capital relates to managing during the pandemic.


15 December 2020: Congratulations to Kirsty Neller who has been appointed Associate Lecturer within the department of psychology at Middlesex University.  Kirsty works tremendously hard for the department and this opportunity is well deserved.

29 October 2020: Sabrina Schalz gave a talk to the London Natural History Society on Avian Eavesdropping on Human Speech.  You can watch the talk by clicking on this link.

12 October 2020: A new paper on panic buying during pandemic and related conditions has just been published in Learning and Motivation by some of the @BSL_MDX team:  Food Shopping Under Risk and Uncertainty.

28 September 2020: Tom Dickins has written a new blog post about possible social norm dynamics resulting from Covid-19 restrictions.

23 September 2020: Sabrina Schalz has a new preprint available: Humans Discriminate Individual Large-Billed Crows by their Calls.

16 September 2020: A sad goodbye to Tharb Faisl, who had been working on his MSc by Research looking at urban gull behaviours.  Tharb has made some career decisions and has taken up a post as lecturer in biology at Southwark College.  All at BSL wish him well in this exciting new venture.

16 September 2020: Welcome to Warren Horrod-Wilson, who joins BSL this month to undertake his BSc Psychology final year project with us.  We are really looking forward to working with him.

30 July 2020: Congratulations to Sabrina Schalz who passed her viva voce examination, with Distinction and no corrections, for her MSc by Research (Evolutionary Behavioural Science).  A great and well deserved result.

16 June 2020: Tom Dickins gave a public talk for the Lundy Field Society on the Kittiwake work being conducted with Kirsty Neller and Amanda Mead.

2 June 2020: Sabrina Schalz's new paper is now available online: Schalz, S. & Dickins, T.E. (In press.) Humans Discriminate Individual Zebra Finches by their Song. Biolinguistics

6 April 2020: Congratulations to Tharb Faisl  for passing his registration panel for his MSc by Research (Evolutionary Behavioural Science)

26 March 2020: Tom Dickins has published a blog on behavioural responses to risk and uncertainty, and their relevance to the COVID-19 pandemic.

7 March 2020: Tom Dickins took part in a panel discussion on Nature versus Nurture at the LSE Festival.  You can hear the podcast of this event by clicking here.

12 February 2020: Tom Dickins' review of Uller and Laland's new book was published in Evolution, on Darwin's birthday of all days!

7 February 2020: Sabrina Schalz presented a poster at the Linnean Society Student Conference.

22 January 2020: Congratulations to Sabrina Schalz for passing her registration panel for her MSc by Research (Evolutionary Behavioural Science).

[Our icon is from: Freepik by Flaticon]