News and events


13 November 2023: Tom Dickins gave a presentation to the Evolution, Science and Society Group at the University of Missouri on The Extent of the Modern Synthesis in Evolutionary Biology. It can be seen by clicking on this link.

22 September 2023: Sabrina Schalz passed her PhD viva on eavesdropping in wild Carrion Crows (Corvus corone). She gave a superb defense of her work in a very engaged conversation with her examiners, and left with only very minor edits to achieve. Well done Dr Schalz!

15 May 2023: Tom Dickins has published an open access paper in Acta Biotheoretica entitled On the Role of Information in Evolutionary Biology.

15 March 2023: Jonathan Sigger has published a chapter in The Interdisciplinary Handbook of Perceptual Control Theory II.  He discusses the application of the theory to health behaviours. His own research applies perceptual control theory to better understanding hand washing behaviour.

9 March 2023: Tom Dickins and Ben Dickins (editors) published a new volume entitled Evolutionary Biology: Contemporary and Historical Reflections Upon Core Theory, with Springer.

27 February 2023: Emily Beasley and Tom Dickins have published a paper on Gull-Human Interactions in an Urban Population of Herring Gulls and Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the journal Bird Study - You can see a preprint here.

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