Enjoy the decks, results and rules information of the Swedish Summer tournament of 2024. 

Click here to visit the tournament site.

Players: 47

This is the tournament website of the 3rd Re-Print Masters, the annual re-print tournament of Timmy Talks. On this site you can find all the beautiful re-print decks and check out the results!

Click here to visit the tournament site.

Players: 44

The first edition of the stapleless tournament is in the books! A special thanks goes out to the Hanseatic crew for coming up with this fun format. 

Click here to visit the website

Players: 43

The second edition of ALICE is in the books. This time we had 41 players competing for the winter crown. Visit the website to see all the ALICE brews and check out the results of the tournament.

Click here to visit the website

Players: 41

There can be only one! The Highlander tournament is a 93/94 tournament where players were challenged to brew a 100 card singleton deck. On the tournament site you can find the deckphotos, statistics and videos about the event.

Visit the tournament website

Players: 46

The Colour Clash is a mono coloured tournament where we show our true colour. Each deck in this event is mono coloured and you can only play 8 artifacts. 

Which colour will proof to be the most powerful in Magic the Gathering 93/94? Check the results here

Players: 55

ALICE is a constructed Alliances & Ice Age tournament that was held as a follow up to last year's Ice Age Winter battle. In this tournament we had 38 wizards battling for the 1 trophy Timmy and of course, eternal glory! 

Check out the website for the deckphotos, rules and results.

Players: 38

The second edition of the Re-Print Masters, a constructed tournament where we play with the re-print sets that made us fall in love with the game; Revised, 4th Edition and Chronicles. 

Click here and check out the tournament website for the decks, rules and results.

Players: 53

With this tournament we want to celebrate the many tribes in Old School MTG. The basic rules are simple, construct a deck with at least 12 creatures from the same creature type, for example, Wizards. 

Check out the tournament website here for all the ins and outs 

Players: 48

Rares are cool and all, but aren't commons way more fun! Every players first deck was full of them, so let's dive back to those beginner days of magic and brew a deck full of commons from the four greatest expansion sets ever; Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends and The Dark!

Check out the tournament website here for all the decks and more.

Players: 50

Winter is upon us and what better time can we ask for to celebrate one of the coolest sets of Magic, Ice Age. In this tournament we are going to build decks that are exclusively made up out of Ice Age cards. That's 383 cards of horrible goodness to choose from! Visit the tournament website to get to know all the ins and outs of the latest Timmy Talks tournament.

Players: 46

Old School Brawl is a 93/94 Magic sub-format that closely follows the official Brawl (“Standard Commander”) format promoted by Wizards of the Coast. On the tournament page you can find all the ins and outs of this fascinating format.

Players: 46

The Re-Print Masters is a constructed tournament where you are allowed to play with cards from the following sets; Revised, 4th Edition and Chronicles. Curious about what decks were played in this tournament? Click here and check out the tournament website for all the magical details.

Players: 45

by Clyde Caldwell

The Wizard's Cup was a The Dark, Fallen Empires and Homelands constructed tournament. The decks in this tournament were constructed only with cards from these sets (with the exception of basic lands). 

Players: 37

by Michael Whelan

The tournament website showcases the decks, videos and results of the Dark constructed tournament. The tournament allowed cards from the Dark expansion only (excluding basic lands). Maze of Ith is restricted.

Players: 34

by Ken Kelly

The Journey to the Fallen Empires was an FE constructed cup with no banned cards or restricted cards. The tournament website features deck photos, results and of course, match videos (including the finals)!

Players: 17

by Douglas Beekman

This competition was all about creating your most inventive 93/94 combo. The winner of the competition got one of the 25 unique Tim the Enchanter card alters. On the website you can see all the submitted card combos and you can even submit your own!

Attendees: 13

by Tim White

Lord of the Jank is a budget re-print tournament. Players are challenged to brew a deck with a budget of $200. On the tournament website you can find all the details, decks, results and the recordings of the final.

Players: 24