ALICE Tournament

On this website you can find the deck photos, rules and results of the 1st Timmy Talks Alice tournament. 38 wizards battled in this online event for honour and eternal glory!

The Basics

Scroll down to find the groups, deck pictures and results per deck.

Group 1 - Phyrexian War Beasts

8 wins - 4 losses | by Elon, TOP 8

6 wins - 6 losses | by Rob

10 wins - 2 losses | by Vicente, TOP 4

5 wins - 7 losses | by Matt K

"Varchild, the weak. Varchild, the fallen. Varchild, the betrayer" General Varchild has sold his soul the the Phyrexians and the frozen wastes ... will he be able to pay the price required to keep his crew of mercenaries working? Or will he fall to the survivors of his pillaging hordes?

1 win - 11 losses | by Veavictis

Group 2 - Soldevi Sages

1 win - 8 losses | by Juriaan

5 wins - 4 losses | by Timmy

7 wins - 2 losses | by Roland, TOURNAMENT WINNER

5 wins - 4 losses | by Bas, TOP 16

Group 3 - Sworn Defenders

3 wins - 3 losses | by Frank, TOP 16

1 win - 5 losses | by Elmar

Group 4 - Lim-Dul's High Guards

2 wins - 10 losses | by Joe

9 wins - 3 losses | by Eckart, TOP 16

9 wins - 3 losses | by Alex, TOP 8

6 wins - 6 losses | by Kiley

2 wins - 10 losses | by Joe

Group 5 - Gorilla Berserkers 

5 wins - 4 losses | by Jon D, TOP 16

3 wins - 6 losses | by Chris

Among the trees and beasts of the deep forest Nietzsche has found solitude. From his verdant sanctuary he contemplates on mankind's decay and adherence to morality. Surrounded by free-willed and wild things he rejoices! "Only here do no bears and spiders hold the morality of chickens. Here they hold the morality of spiders and bears!"  

5 wins - 4 losses | by Anders, TOP 16

Deep in the Yavimaya Hollow are Yavimaya Ancients: infested with ants, spiders and elves. They are all here to ruin your picnic.

5 wins - 4 losses | by Matt

Group 6 - Lim Dul's Paladins

8 wins - 4 losses | by Kyle

6 wins - 6 losses | by Ragnar

10 wins - 2 losses | by Benjamin, TOP 8

Group 7 - Balduvian Hordes

10 wins - 2 losses | by David A, TOP 4

6 wins - 6 losses | by Michael T

Group 8 - Yavimaya Ancients

7 wins - 5 losses | by Will

11 wins - 1 loss | by Tom A, TOP 16

“What are you looking for?”

Barf leaned against the wizard’s cart, like the smug little fart that he is. Why did my parents have to continue breeding after they had me? I never asked for a younger brother. I flung another book over my shoulder in his direction.

“Hey! You almost hit me!”

“Sorry.” I didn’t mean it. “But I gotta find the right spell.”

“You think you can cure that?” Barf laughed. “No orc can change the spell of a real wizard. You’re blue for life, you dummy. Might as well just accept it.”

I looked at the ugly, sky-blue color of my skin. I could feel the vomit tickling the back of my throat. No! I will not be a laughing stock for the rest of my days. I will not remain blue.

That wizard got what was coming to him when he tried to steal from our side of the mountain. Barf and I had been sent to scare him away. He put up a fight, so I had to bite his arm off. How was I supposed to know he would pull off one more spell before he died? Fortunately, I’d found a stash of spell books in his cart. I’ve got to find an answer. I tore into another one.

Barf sighed dramatically. “Everyone knows that when a Wizard curses you—a real human wizard like the one you attacked—there isn’t any way to undo it.”

I hastily closed another book and tossed it behind me. “If you won’t help, then go away!” I barked. What if I couldn’t get my skin back to normal? What if the stupid was permanent? I don’t want to be a blue creature!

“Look,” Barf said, “when the wizard cursed you, he mumbled something. It was like a riddle. I heard it from the bushes.”

“You mean where you were hiding like a coward?” I bellowed and grabbed another book.

“Where I was waiting strategically for the right time to attack.” Barf said in a lecturing voice. I hate when he uses that voice. “The riddle was something like, ‘remove the alloy, curse will deploy.’ Do you see any alloys in there? Or, ‘remove the toy, curse will employ’...No, that doesn’t make sense.”

Then all of the sudden, the answer came to me. Call it a brainstorm. It’s like the answer just popped up.

Remove what annoys, the curse you’ll destroy.”  I said.

“What?” Barf asked. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Remove what annoys…the curse you’ll destroy. That’s it!”

I turned on the spot. Before my brother could react, I sent a blast of red magic right at his chest. He was incinerated on the spot. A smoldering patch of dead grass was all that was left. Then the blue started to fade. My skin turned brownish-green, just like it had always been. I looked like an orc again. Everything was quiet. It was a beautiful day on the mountain. 

“Thanks, little brother,” I said to empty campsite. “You weren’t a complete waste after all. You solved the wizard’s riddle for me. I’ll tell mom and dad.”

I turned toward home, but not before conjuring one more blast of red magic. A brief, but effective stone rain pounded the wizard’s campsite. Nothing remained. A light snow began to fall. Did I mention it was a beautiful day on the mountain?

4 wins - 8 losses | by Andy