by phy

  • Gauntlet of Chaos is an artifact from Legends who lets you exchange control of target artifact, creature, or land for 5 and sacrifice the gauntlet.

  • Sorrow's Path is a land from the dark which allows you to switch two blocking creatures of your opponent for 2 and tap.

  • Icy Manipulator taps target artifact, creature, or land for 1 and tap.

Use Gauntlets of Chaos to generously give Sorrows Path to your opponent and take one of their lands, then tap Sorrows path every turn with your Icy Manipulator to deal two damage to your opponent and all his creatures.

Giving can feel so much better than receiving!

by Charles

  • Living Plane brings all your land to life! 1/1 lands as far as your eye can see.

  • Karakas returns target legendary creature back to your hand.

  • The Tabernacle gives all creatures an upkeep cost of 1.

Living Plane turns Tabernacle into a creature, so you can have your opponent have to pay the upkeep post with the Tabernacle on each of their lands and then you can use your Karakas to bounce your Tabernacle at the end of their turn!

Pendrell Vale was a valley located in Tolaria on Dominaria. It is known for its mists, and the mysterious Tabernacle in its midst.

By Ryan

  • Field of dreams allows you to see the first card of your deck.

  • Petra Sphinx lets you draw a card from your library if you know the card that you will draw.

The combo allows you to use the ability of the Petra Sphinx as a guaranteed draw 1.

Add Animate Deads to this combo and place your biggest creatures in your graveyard.

by gideon

  • Pyramids allows you to protect your land from being destroyed for 2.

  • Mana Flare lets each of your land produce 1 extra mana.

  • Armageddon destroys all the lands in play.

With this combo you can play a one sided Armageddon by casting Armageddon with mana dorks and mana rocks, and tap your lands to protect themselves. How? The Mana Flare gives you double the mana. The Pyramid allows you to prevent them from being destroyed.

How salty will your opponent get when you pull this off?

By Croutonman

  • Living Plane is an enchant world that turns all lands in play into 1/1 creatures and lands.

  • Pestilence is a black enchantment that reads, pay 1 black to deal 1 damage to every player and every creature.

  • Khabál Ghoul is a 1/1 creature that gets a +1/+1 counter at the end of your turn for each creature that died that turn.

With this combo you want to combine Living Plane and Pestilence to kill all the lands. After that you cast Khabál Ghoul (make sure that you have tapped your mana to cast the Ghoul before you use Pestilence). At the end of your turn Khabál will gain a +1/+1 counter for every land that died.

FYI: Khabál Ghoul is now a Zombie and that means you can also use it in Zombie Disco. Use your Lord to give it regeneration pop the disk and lets get the party started!

By Bryan

  • Chains punishes a player for drawing extra cards for letting him discard a card for every card they draw after the first one.

  • Island Sanctuary gives you the opportunity to skip drawing a card during your draw phase. If you do, you can only be attacked by creatures with flying.

  • Howling Mine lets each player draw an additional card.

With this combo, you are drawing one card, because of the Island Sanctuary. This prevents you from having to draw the extra card from the Mine. Thus the discard clause of the chains has no effect on you. Your opponent doesn't have a sanctuary and will have to discard for the extra card and the sanctuary protects you from his ground creatures.

Don't you just love to play against blue decks?

by Elmar

  • Ifh-Biff is a 3/3 flyer with a hurricane effect that every player can activate for 1 green.

  • Spirit Link is an enchant creature that gives you 1 life for every dmg that the enchanted creature does.

When Spirit Link is enchanted on the Ifh-Biff you gain 1 life every time you deal 1 damage to a target. That means that when you pay 1 green; you gain 1 life for the damage you do to yourself, 1 life for the opponent, 1 life for the damage it does to itself and 1 life for every damage to every flying creature on the board.

Who needs a Stream of Life with this combo around?

By Charlie

  • Cyclopean turns lands into swamps for tap and 2 mana.

  • Kormus turns swamps into 1/1 creatures.

The combo is obvious, you turn all the lands of your opponent into swamps and the bell turns them into vulnerable 1/1 creatures.

Cards like earthquake, Timmy, Pestilence and Rod of Ruin will do the rest.

By Baron

  • Colossus is one of the biggest creature in old school with 9 power and 9 toughness and trample! The downside, he's 9 to cast and 9 to untap.

  • Paralyze is an enchant creature that taps the creature that it targets. The creature doesn't untap during the untap step. Instead the controller can decide to pay 4 to untap it during the upkeep.

  • Instill Energy is also an enchant creature. This enchantment allows the creature it targets to attack the turn it is summoned. On top of that, you can untap the creature one additional time during the controller's turn.

Paralyze and Instill Energy are both ways to untap the Colossus for less then 9. Paralyze does it for 4 and instill does it for free! Imagine the following scenario.

T 1 - Black Lotus, sac for GGG, use GG for Channel, Channel into Colossus and use the last G to cast Instill Energy on the Collosus. Let's go to combat!

By Jeff

  • War Barge is an artifact that gives a creature islandwalk for 3. If the Barge leaves play this turn, the creatures targeted by the Barge are buried.

  • Boomerang is a blue instant that returns target permanent to owner's hand.

With this combo you want to give as many creatures of your opponent islandwalk with the Barge. The next step is returning the Barge to your hand with Boomerang. The result? All the creature you targeted with War Barge are buried (so no regeneration).

What a cool way to kill an army of Sedge Trolls!

By David

  • Arboria is a green enchant world that rewards you if you not play a spell or put a card into play during your turn (this counts for both players). When you don't play anything in your turn, creatures may not attack that player until after that player's next upkeep.

  • Cyclone is an enchantment that gets a wind counter at your upkeep. You must pay G for each counter or sac the Cyclone. Cyclone deals damage equal to the amount of Wind Counters.

  • COP Green is a white enchantment which allows you to prevent damage from any green source for 1 mana per target.

In this combo Arboria rewards you for not playing anything. What you want is keep Cyclone around to deal damage to your opponent and prevent this damage for you with the COP Green, while Arboria protects you from your opponent's creatures.

Let's just hope that there's not a Tranquility around 🙏

By Emiel

  • Ali is a red creature that while he is in play damage that would reduce the controller's life total to less than 1 life lowers you to 1 life instead and prevents the rest.

  • The Cloak is an enchant creature that says that target creature cannot be the target of instants, sorceries, fast effects, or enchantments unless the creature becomes tapped.

As long as you have Ali from Cairo on the board your life total cannot go below 1. Spectral Cloak makes sure that Ali cannot be targeted by your opponent's spells.

Now sit back, relax, play a land each turn and cast a huge fireball after turn 20 or so...

By Joen Erik

  • Time Vault is an artifact that comes into play tapped. To untap it, you need to skip a turn. When you tap the Vault you gain an additional turn.

  • Xenic Poltergeist is a 1/1 Poltergeist that you can tap to turn target non-creature artifact into an artifact with power and toughness equal to its casting cost.

  • The Saddlebag is an artifact that you can tap and pay 3 to untap target creature.

With this combo you want to turn your Time Vault into a 2/2 creature with the Xenic Poltergeist. When it's a creature you can target it with Jandor's Saddlebag to untap it and take an extra turn. This means infinate turns and that will most likely mean victory!

You can also accomplish the same effect with an Animate Artifact, but using the Poltergeist is so much cooler. Besides, the Poltergeist is a great way to kill your opponent's moxen.

By Dyan

Get a turn 1 kill with this perfect hand!

  • Cast Black Lotus and sac for GGG

  • Use G to cast Sol Ring and T for 2

  • Cast Eureka for GG and 2

  • Use Eureka to...

    • Play Aladdin's Lamp 1 and 2

    • Play Titania's Song to make you Lamps into two 10/10 creatures

    • Play Crossroads to allow your 10/10s to attack!

Deal 20 damage and win! Magic is such a simple game, isn't it?

By Jesse

  • Basalt is an artifact that costs 3 and you can tap it and gain 3 mana. It doesn't untap during your untap step Instead you can pay 3 to untap the Monolith.

  • Titania's Song is a green enchantment that turns all your non-creature artifacts into creatures with power and toughness equal to their casting cost. The artifacts lose all their abilities.

This combo starts by playing out one Basalt Monolith and use the three mana to cast the second one. Continue with this untill you have the full playset on the board. Use your last monolith and one G to play Titania.

When your next untap step comes, you'll have a Monolith army!