Journey to the fallen empires

The Journey to the Fallen Empires is an FE constructed cup with no banned- or restricted cards. The tournament website features deck photos, results and of course, match videos (including the finals).

Fallen Empires is the fifth Magic expansion and was released in November 1994. It is not considered part of any block.

Players: 17


Untill the Last

by Richard Boonstra

My deck tells the story of a lonely Dwarven Soldier. He sets out to ask the Elves for help to defend his Hold against the invading Orcs and Goblins. As he'll discover, the Empires truly are falling. No help will come.

I wrote a short story to accompany the deck. The inspiration for the story came from the flavor text of the cards used in the deck, starting with the Dwarven Soldier with art by Rob Alexander. I wondered, who had been this last Dwarf?

Read the full story

Unholy Hecatomb

By Alexander Westcott

Oh no, not Thallid

By Gideon


The visible hand

By Joep

Joep-Louis 2-1 | Joep-Elmar 3-0 | Joep-Richard 3-0

Quarter Finals Joep-Frank 2-0

Semi Finals Joep-Alex 2-1

Finals Joep-Gideon 2-1 WATCH THE FINALS

Thrulliads of the Deep

By Ryan

Flying Circus

By Frank

The Unlikely alliance

by Timmy

What happens when you get a Homarid Spawning Bed, a Deep Spawn, a Goblin War Drums and a Tidal Influence on the table? Well, not much, because it hardly ever happens, but when it does...

Oh yeah, and don't forget to read the dialogue to understand how this odd alliance came to be.. Read all about it

Thrull Uprising

By Baron Nick


By Louis

praetor & friends

By Elmar